epilogue 2 "truth or shock"

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"come on!" Kitty retreated her hand back from the lie detector yelling after she's been caught.

"You actually did that!? I can't believe!" Yuri threw her head back laughing.

The whole friend group laughed as kitty made a bitter expression after getting shocked by the lie detector.

Currently The whole friend group wants to forget all the things that had happened in the past few months and wanted to enjoy themselves. Not bringing their boyfriends or girlfriends just friends. That includes, our heart of gold Quincy widely known as Q, the British godly faced Man Minho or mean-hoe was what you know him as, our Pretend couple Daehoon Kim and Yuri Han, Person who is still figuring out her sexuality Kitty song covey, and ofcourse our rejected but accepted person Dan Kim.

"You really lied about dae being your first love kitty!" Dan laughed at her bestfriend's petty existence right now.

"Really? Kitty?" Dae looked disappointedly but soon broke into a smile.

"Come on! It was in third grade! I literally didn't even know it was a crush! Who knows in third grade what a crush is?!" Kitty tried to persuade everyone but they all just at her tries.

"Ok! Yuri!" Kitty shouted passing the detector towards yuri as put her hand on the detector. "Do you like dae?" Dan choked on her iced americano as her boyfriend Minho patted her back to make her stop coughing..

"No." Yuri replied confidently as the lie detector lights started blinking. After a few seconds it made a 'beep' sound and yuri casually pulled her hand out giving kitty a 'duh' look.

"Minho." Yuri said passing the detector across from her as Dan sadly moved away from Mimho. "Did you hate Dan when she came?" She asked as Dan looked at Minho in curiosity.

"Yes." Minho answered casually while Dan's facial expressions fell a bit but soon it turned into a wide grin as the lie detector shocked Minho.

"Awww.." Dan cooed squishing next to Minho again.

"Q!" Minho yelled passing the detector almost throwing it toward Q. "Why did you cry that night?"

"Q, cried?" Dan looked at him worried.

"It was nothing important" Q replied nonchalantly before pulling out his hand hurriedly as everyone got to know it was a lie.

"Why did you cry?"

"Okay.. fine. I had a fight with kitty because of Florian." Q replied sighing looking away in embarrassment as every started cooeing at him.

"I'm sorry, Q. It was my fault too." Kitty apologized hugging Q's back.

"Okay!" Q hugged her back. "Dan! Catch!" Q shouted throwing the device towards Dan. "Have you ever two timed someone?"

"I--i No." Dan fumbled on her words but before she could say further the device has had shocked her making Minho throw her from his grip.

"Hey!" She shouted as she stumbled forward on the ground.

"How could you?" Minho asked totally hurt as the atmosphere got tense.

"Minho. It's not you." She replied picking herself up from the floor and sitting back up.

"Then who?" Kitty asked curiously.

"Back in Adler high Portland. I got two proposals and i don't know but i seem to like both of them. So, in short i dated both of them because i liked both of them at the same time but i got caught because they were at the same party and i could not manage them both together." Dan chuckled as everybody looked at her awkwardly.

"Did you have sex with both of them?" A question threw her off guard.

"Hey!" She replied shouting.

~~ XO, Kitty

XO, Kitty || Minho × Female OC Where stories live. Discover now