O N E .

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( Chapter 1 ).


"[BOLD]" = Talker is speaking/Thinking in
"[Italics]" = Talker is speaking/thinking in

"[Italics]" = Talker is speaking/thinking in English

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1572 words.

( No-one's POV )

( not edited )

I'm Late.

Here we see a man wearing a completely black, loose-fitting suit, with a black turtleneck underneath the blazer, with a thick dark reddish-pink scarf.

He ran through the streets of Moscow, Russia, heading to quite an important job.

His name is [f/n] [l/n], an Australian-half-Russian Lawyer, and despite his flamboyant job, that pays quite well.

It's typical for him to walk to work just for fun! Shockingly.

He lives with his grandmother, she'd taken care of him ever since he had come to Russia.

My God... I wanna finish this job so I can go back home...

He sighed internally, he supposed he should just focus on what's happening now-

Oh wow, that's someone's back.


Holding his nose [f/n] looked up at the man he ran into the back of.

The stranger had his arm wrapped around [f/n]'s back, which had prevented him from falling on his ass.

"Hm..?" The man hummed, looking down at [f/n] with his strikingly icy blue eyes, "Are you hurt?" He spoke, grinning down slightly at [f/n].

"No, I'm alright. " [f/n] spoke casually, looking up at the man with a bored gaze, "But you can let go of me now."

"Sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't paying attention." [f/n] spoke, bowing his head slightly as he apologized, "My apologies if I hurt you anywhere..-"

"I'm alright." The man smirked, tilting his head to take a closer look at [f/n] as he lifted his head again.

"That's a relief. " [f/n] paused slightly, as the stranger lifted a hand to play with his hair.

Feeling awkward, [f/n] stilled a bit, though looked up at the man with a completely bored expression.

"You should wear sunglasses." The man said as he smirked down at the shorter [f/n], lowering his hand to caress his cheek, before running.

☼ 𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑺 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑷𝑨𝑮𝑵𝑬.Where stories live. Discover now