T W O .

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( Chapter 2 ).


"[BOLD]" = Talker is speaking/thinking in
"[Italics]" = Talker is speaking/thinking in

(Sometimes things were improperly translated and didn't make sense, so I edited it to make more sense to the conversation being had. Sometimes I don't understand what they're talking about so.. If I don't fix some grammar and English in certain parts it's because I didn't understand it. The translator didn't do a good job :3 but that's okay :D )

 The translator didn't do a good job :3 but that's okay :D )

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2486 words.

( No-one's POV )

( edited )

" I didn't expect people to be here, sorry if you're busy." [f/n] said as he stepped towards Zdanov, his voice apologetic, yet also slightly taunting.

" I have something to deliver urgently." He continued, before turning over his gaze. Spotting the strange blonde man.

It's the creep from yesterday morning.

[f/n] thought, looking down at the papers in his hand to draw his mind away from the thought. Not that he cared that they'd met before, he was a lawyer, so people came and went constantly in his life.

" I contacted you a while ago but got no reply... Shockingly." He said, sighing as he approached Zhdanov, "I'd like to get things done on my side first."

Stepping in front of him, [f/n] slapped a small pile of forms into his chest, "One is an appeal application, and the other is a court order to stop enforcement. Relevant documents are enclosed."

"Take a quick look when you have time, but please scan it slowly. " He said, stepping back, a carry file tucked under his arm.

"You..." The councillor began, as a vein bulged out on his head, "You dare try this with me!?" He almost screamed.

" I feel as if we will be seeing a lot of each other soon, Senator. " [f/n] said, adjusting the case under his arm.

I need a vacation.

[f/n] rolled his eyes at the seemingly discombobulated councillor as he mumbled curses to himself.

Feeling a gaze on him, [f/n] turned, only to see the strange blonde man looking down at him.

I'm quite... Interested. What's this man's relationship with the Senator? Honestly, I'm excited to see what piece he'll be on the chessboard.

I'd love to know who you are...

☼ 𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑺 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑷𝑨𝑮𝑵𝑬.Where stories live. Discover now