Chapter 1

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I woke up on the floor of a cold and dark room. Seconds after, a jolt made me feel the room moving upwards.

I sat up to look around the room but it is too dark to see the whole thing. I tried to stand up carefully but fell on my back instantly. The room is moving fast enough, it's difficult to gain balance plus the fact that I had just woken up made it hard.

I blindly search the room with my hand for support until I felt a wooden box, a crate. I put my weight on the box and stood up carefully until my head bump what I think is the ceiling. I put my hands on the cieling and felt cold thin metal.

After an eternity of standing, I got tired and sat on the crate. The room seems like to go upwards forever. Until the room slowed down.

I stood up in excitement, bumping my head on the cieling, again. I thought the room was gonna stop soon and I'm right. It stopped. Not just how I planned it to be. It stopped so sudden that I fell on the floor again, face first.

The cieling was opened and sunlight flooded the room, or so I thought it was. It was like a cage with thin metal surrounding it forming an X pattern. I looked up with my hands covering my eyes to block the sun from blinding me. Squinting, I saw the silhouettes of people surrounding the cage I'm in.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and saw someone jump in front of me. I assume he's a he because his body is too buff for a girl. Speaking of a girl, I don't see one when I looked around one more time.

The guy in front of me has tattoo in every part of his pale body, making it stand out. His platinum hair waved across his face covering his green eyes.

He looked around the box before looking at me. He walked towards me before lowering himself so we're the same level. I couldn't help but sit there waiting for his next move.

His right hand reached down the right side of my neck and looked at it.

"Ah," he chuckled, "Hey guys! This Greenie is a Marked one!" he shouted at the boys surrounding the room. The boys snickered in reply.

"What? I am Marked?" I asked, confused.

"You have a Mark on your neck."

"What does it look like? Does it say anything?" I asked him.

"Your mark is not like any Mark I saw in my entire life," he replied, "It's like a fork with long handle or something like that. I don't know what you call your Mark, but before I forget, what's your name Shank?"

Memories come rushing to my mind but I tried to remember my name. Yes. Yes! That's it! I remember now!

"Percy. My name's Percy."

Well...this story is a crossover of Percy Jackson and The Maze Runner and The Mortal Instruments.

There will be changes at the characters...because it's a crossover.

And I'll try hard to make it interesting. And suggestions will help....and corrections if any.

Thank you for reading fellow Shank/Demigod/Shadowhunter!

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