Preview: Puzzle Pieces

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{Bumble's POV}

      I don't really remember my first few years alive,  especially if it was years ago. What I would remember was always foggy or dazed. I don't remember the exact age when it happened, but I remember being in a box of sorts. I could see two black creatures holding the box. I can't tell if we were flying or walking, as I was limited to seeing the heads of the creatures. Even when I was a baby, I couldn't stand up in the box to see where I was at the time. I do remember that I could feel the box shifting around, as if being moved. I could see the top of buildings sorta, unable to see much more due to my baby legs. Even then, I was wrapped in a blanket. Mind you it wasn't wrapped properly, but it didn't stop baby me from being tangled.
     I can hear chatter from the two black creatures, or I think. The chatter was muffled, but I know it's them since I could see their mouths moving. I don't know what the conversation was, nor can I tell if it was even about what they were doing. I don't think it mattered for long though as I could feel the box being set down. I could see a bit of a door to a house over the box edge, though since baby me was tangled into the blanket I couldn't even sit up to see. I could only watch as the two black creatures took one more look at me in the shoe box before disappearing from my line of sight.
    I laid there, unable to free myself from the blanket bundle. The creatures hadn't knocked on the door, leaving me there on the doorstep for god knows how long. Babies' sense of time is wonky. To me, it felt really long. Baby me hated that I was left alone too. I started crying, having been struggling with the blanket and feeling trapped. Only after I started crying did the door open. It was this bunny yokai woman. She seemed to be looking ahead before even looking down to see me. Her face showed the emotion of shock, clearly not expecting to see me. I had stopped crying, now just sniffling as I made grabby hands to her with my one free hand.
    The bunny lady picked me up from the shoe box, helping me to get free from the blanket. I relaxed once free, having been stuck in the blanket for a while by now. The bunny lady seemed to scan over me, most likely looking for wounds or if I was sick. I just started chirping, holding onto her hand while held. She gave a gentle smile, almost reassuring me things were gonna be okay. However, now that it's been years since then, I know for a fact it wasn't. But baby me still believed it, wanting the safety and love of someone else then being alone. I just wish I could've seen past that smile and look at her eyes. Her eyes held worry and fear, not for me, but about me. I can't change the past, no matter how much I want to. And now, so much of this past I see in my dreams. I hated it, every reminder. And it didn't help with the effect of it on my physical health.
    Those years with that family, it was painful. Emotionally and physically. A good portion of the family got me unsure if I should hate them or pity them. Though I know two people I hate in the family. Though it's been 19 years since that day, and it's been two years since I have cut contact with the family. My mental health just couldn't handle that family, nor the physical abuse there. Since then I've been on my own, which honestly has been fun and calming compared to my life with that family.
    I don't remember who made me, nor even have a hint. Though it's clear I was adopted as the family that 'raised' me were bunnies and I am a turtle. Still, I would've loved it if they truly accepted me in their family. But by know that family had fallen apart without me doing anything. I've been mostly alone, but doing well for a 19 year old. I only have one friend, Autumn is their name. They visited every now and then, but the visits are spaced so I'm still pretty fucking lonely. I didn't mind though, less trouble. I pick up gigs now and then, but I'm doing well for myself. Even then I live in a small apartment since I don't see anyone else. Never liked big spaces when alone so it was comfy in that apartment. Don't think I missed having a family…… but again I didn't really have a family in the first place so I can't complain.
    Even if I found my family, I don't think I'd want to do anything with them. I mean they ditched me after all. How could I even trust them if they didn't put effort. I'm fine on my own with visits from my friend. I mean, even if my family tried finding me, there is no way they can after 19 years……. Right?

_{authors note}_

I'm happy I was even able to write this qwq. But slowly on its way. Hopefully-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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