Chapter 6

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"Sorry I'm late." Akane greeted as she entered the meeting room that housed Ijichi and Principal Yaga.

"You're alone?" Yaga noted the absence of Gojou Satoru.

"Yes." Akane sat herself down. "Satoru had some other business to deal with, and so as his senior I've come to report on his behalf."

"I'm glad you've returned, Akane." Yaga said, allowing his shoulders to sag slightly. "All Jujutsu Sorcerers are eccentrics in one way or another, so I'm glad I have someone more normal."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Akane smiled, then paused for a moment. "I'll cut to the chase. Satoru and I were attacked by a Special Grade Cursed Spirit."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

"Is that why you-"

"Yes." Akane nodded. "I'm sorry Ijichi-san. Not to look down at you, but your ability in combat wouldn't have been enough."

She knew that Ijichi knew this, but thinking back to the special grade was enough to make her shudder. If Satoru wasn't with her, then odds are she would have died. Akane grit her teeth as she recalled the fight, the difference in power between herself and those that were considered Special Grades.

And what she saw after...

Earlier that night...

Akane kept her eyes on volcano-head, it was clear that she was out of her depth. She took a step back to let Satoru deal with it, because she was sure that nothing short of Sukuna was going to give Satoru trouble.

"Losing heart already?" Volcano-head asked.

"Nah." Satoru smiled, he cracked his knuckles. "I'm thinking that this'll be fun."

"You have no sense of self-preservation at all!" The Curse exclaimed, forming bugs out of nothing and firing them at Satoru. She jumped back, but Satoru had stopped the bugs in their tracks.

"Relax, Akane-chan." Satoru smiled. "This guy can't touch me."


Akane held her weapon tightly, smoke had enveloped the area as the insects exploded. She could see Satoru in the air, hovering without a care in the world.

"See, what did I tell you?" He asked.

"Behind you." Akane sighed.

Volcano-head had rushed up to him, landing a hit to his face that ignited his head. Then another one against his chest that enveloped him in smoke and fire. The Curse let out a laugh. "Weak!" He laughed. "Humans these days really are weak. Humans these days don't live in truth, it makes me sick."

Its eyes landed on her.

"Real strength, and the truth. Through death it will be spread." It said, the Curse's hands igniting once more.

"Satoru, this thing is looking at me like a creep." Akane brandished her blade.

"Well that won't do." The smoke tore away, revealing Gojou Satoru. "I know she's a looker for her age, but making moves on committed women is wrong."

"I'm only 35." Akane's eyes narrowed. "What's that "for her age" comment supposed to mean?"

"I'm just sayin." Satoru shrugged.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Curse asked, his eye wide with disbelief.

"I guess even Curses have different tastes in wo-"

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