A heart beat (part one)

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Chapter 8- A heat beat (part one)


The story might confuse you. See, I've given you a scene in the beginning and some of you may freak out after reading it. Then I've given you the event of the past 72 hours that led up to that event.

So here's 'A heart beat' part one-

Enjoy <3

A heart beat.

One single heart beat.

That's all it takes.

One heart beat is all it takes to change you. A heart beat is plenty of time for your blissful reality to come crashing down on top of you. A heart beat is enough time to destroy you, damage you. A heart beat can be a matter of life and death. A heart beat can be the only thing that separates a dead and dying man.

That one heart beat that turned your life a complete 180.

You may move on, have a great life. But you can't help but think back to that one moment. That one heart beat of a moment when everything changed.


"We're losing blood" the man said calmly. How could he possibly be so calm in a situation like this?

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The monitor was erratic. The EGC spiked up and down at an alarming rate. His heart beat.

"Find the bleeder, before we lose him for good" a more authoritative voice commanded.


The ECG seemed to slow down. Weakened.

"We're losing pulse!" the voice was on a slight verge of panic.

"Push one of epinephrine" the person in charge didn't seem too concerned.


It flat lined.

"He's crashing. Start compressions" someone yelled.

"Asystole" a scrub nurse confirmed.

"Damn it! Get me a crash cart, stat!" another voice growled in frustration.

"Charge to 200. Clear" there was a slight jolt.

The monitor showed no signs of improvement.

"Doctor, the cops are here. With news about his girlfriend. She's dead. Murdered" a nurse poked her head through the OR door.

"Charge to 250. Clear" another jolt.


"Unless the police think that this boy killed her, you have no business in my OR, Janice. Now get out, I'm trying to save a life here" the normally calm doctor was appalled now.

"Charge to 300. Clear" the doctors now feared the worst.

Asystole. No heart beat.

"Face it, doc. We lost him" a voice mumbled.

"Charge to 4oo. Clear" one last jolt of electricity.

Flat lined.

It was over. Gone.

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