𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 12 [𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭]

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Author's Pov

*door opens*

Sky's father was on the bed working with his laptop. Sky's mom entered there and closed the door. "Honey.." She said. "Hum" Sky's father replied. "Do you really think its a good idea?" Sky's mom asked. "What?" Father questioned her instead.

"Letting Sky get married beyond his choice and decision like this?" Mom said. Sky father made a disappointed noise by his mouth. He closed the laptop. "What's wrong with you? It's for his good. I can tell that he is also happy" Sky's father said.

"He isn't satisfied with it!" Mom said. Sky's father sighed. "Whatever you say, I still won't change my decision" Sky's father said. Mom sat on the sofa being hopeless.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in" Sky's father said. Sky entered the room. He stood still with a nervous expression. Sky's mom knew something important he had to say just judging by his expression. She could also see someone else behind him. Sky's father didn't look at him properly since he started to do his work again.

"Actually.. I.. have someone to introduce to you guys.." Sky said. "Is it a friend?" Sky's father said. "No.. its.. him.." Sky said and Prapai entered there. "Sit down" Sky's father said looking at the laptop.

Both of them sat down. Prapai wai at Sky's mom. She smiled back and noticed the matched couple rings. "Dad.. mom.. I have something important to say.." Sky said. Sky's father's attention was still in the laptop. "Say it" Father said.

"Actually I .. and him .. love each other. We wanna get married with each other" Sky said and Prapai holded his hands. Mom's expression changed. The thing happened which she was scared for. Sky's father attention broke. He turned off the laptop and looked in front.

The small smile which was stuck in the corner of father's lips, faded away as soon as he saw the guy. His face expression was more like he was getting angry or upset.

Prapai's eyebrows furrowed as soon as he met Sky's father. "Mr. Somchai?" Prapai said.

"I am not agreed with it" Said Prapai and stood up immediately. "What's wrong?" Mr. Somchai's secretary asked. "I said no means no" Prapai replied rudely. "We came along these long not for this!" He also said. "Just go back like the way you came here" Prapai said and ended the meeting. Mr. Somchai clenched his teeth in anger.
*Flashback ends*

"You.. Prapai?" Sky's father got stuck with his words. He was very much speechless, he stood up. Sky glanced at both of them. "You guys have meet each other before??" Sky asked excitedly. Prapai stood up.

"What are you doing here!" Sky's father shouted. "Uncle.." Prapai said. "Who the hell gave you the permission to enter here??" Sky's father yelled. "Dad!" Sky also shouted. "Honey! control yourself" Mom said and holded him.

"Marriage is more far away, I won't even let you to get close to my son!" Father said. "But Mr. Somchai, We really love each other a lot!" Prapai said. "Don't even spell my name by your mouth" Father yelled. "Dad! You are too much!" Sky said.

"Get out!" Sky's father yelled loudly. Tears came out from Sky's eyes. He nodded continously. "I hate all of you" Sky said and got out by the room crying. "Sky..!" Prapai said as he watched him going out. Prapai turned his face at Somchai. "Don't even introduce yourself as a dad" Prapai said glaring.

Sky's father was breathing hardly. Mom was holding him by his waist. Prapai also came out of the room.

Time skips

Sky was crying while sitting at the stairs of outside. Prapai came from behind and sat beside him. He caressed his hairs. "I am sorry.. I am really sorry.." Sky said whining. "Fool.. what are you sorry for?" Prapai said. "My.. dad behaved mean with you.." Sky said. "It's okay.." Prapai sighed and said. Sky raised his head, "Let's run away" Sky said and Prapai chuckled.

He made Sky lean his head on his shoulder slowly and kissed him by his forehead. He was caressing his hairs. "We can't do that fool, nothing will change. Your father will hate me more" Prapai said and Sky nodded slowly like a baby. Time was skipped, when Sky became a bit lighter.

"What.. Actually happened between you both?" Sky asked. Prapai gulped. He explained everything and said that he is regretting now. "Seriously?" Sky said and removed his head from Prapai's shoulder and stood up.

"It's all my fault then" Sky said with an angry pout. "Aha, fool its not" Prapai said and stood up. He holded Sky's face and stared into his eyes. "How could it be your fault hum? You didn't tell me to do that. I was the one who dramatically acted" Prapai said. Sky gave a sad pout and hugged him.

He could hear his heartbeat. "I love you" Sky said. "I love you too" Prapai replied. He broke the hug and kissed Sky's lips. Sky kissed him back. "Let's spend the night in my house" Prapai said and Sky nodded.

Time skips

Sky's Pov

I woke up by the rays hitting on my face. I looked at my phone. It was 10 am in the morning. Wait,.. there is also a notification. I checked it.

In The Message

??: Come to my personal office and meet me there. Your dad arranged this. If you don't come, you know what will happen.


I sighed. I knew who it could be. Its Nin not someone else. I looked at p'Pai who was sleeping beside me. I got refresh and decided to go there. Because I know that dad yell at me and will make more stupid and unreasonable arguments.

I left a note for p'Pai on the nightstand and kissed him on his cheek before leaving.

Time Skips

I entered in his personal office. Its my first time coming here. I am not even sure if I am at the right place. "Hello?" I asked as I found no one here. Its so quite here. I found a room. I opened the door.

Ther whole room was decorated with balloons and with pretty lightings. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked. The door automatically closed. I flinched by the sound. "Hello?" I again said but got no response.

I can see a plate kinda thing or something at the centre which was taking my attention again and again. Without even thinking anything, I started to walk to near to that place.

I removed the lid and found a note. 'You're unsafe :)'. I have read the note. What does it mean by unsafe??


I immediately turned around as I heard some noises. "Who.. who is it??" I asked. Suddenly I felt someone covering my mouth by a handkerchief. "Mhhmm!!" I shouted in pain and tried hard to rid that handkerchief off from my mouth but.. it didn't work..

I started to see everything black.. A sudden appearance of a powerful censored noise happened. My head started to hurt.. my body started to loose energy and tremble. I fell down on the floor.

To be continued

A few more chapters!!!

I hope you enjoyed..! Leave a vote and don't forget to share me your thoughts in the comment box ;)

Words: 1217

𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐒𝐤𝐲- 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐈𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now