Priest who understood that he's not going to say anything, sighed and ignited his smoke. He was rather heavy smoker, it was rare to see him without a smoke between his lips or fingers. Vash couldn't imagine what was the reason why he needed them so much.

"I know that the world's largest bounty is on your head and that you made the hole in the moon. Isn't that enough?" he asked on a serious tone "It's obvious that you have some kind of power that's destructive enough to endanger the whole planet, but I haven't seen you use it for fun or killing so I can believe that you're not planning to destroy this planet and that's enough for me. So I only have to worry about bounty hunters and I can deal with them." Wolfwood dared to be confident, but that wasn't it.

Vash had had another type of risks in his mind. He didn't believe that any human would be capable of surviving them. Not even a human who knows Knives so he decided to chase Wolfwood far away. Scare him away.

It was a hard decision as his company was enjoyable and Vash had to show him something horrifying. Something what caused nightmares and uncontrollable fear. But fear was better than dying in every possible way.

"Wolfwood, I'm not human."

Priest continued to look at him but didn't say anything and kept on smoking what caused his face to be illuminated in the dark by its yellow light. He had grown used to Vash's jokes and absurdity and thought that it's a joke this time too.

So Vash had no other choice but to reveal the true form of his arm.

Wolfwood looked and he saw. There was fear in his eyes because he fully understood that compared to something like this, he's completely trifling and unimportant.

It was hard for Vash to change his hand back to normal but when he finally managed to do it, he looked at Wolfwood and asked

"Do you believe me now?"

"I do." priest replied laconically. 

"Are you going to leave now?"

"Why should I?"

His headstrongness was maddening even though Vash knew that he's the same.

"Because I'm dangerous and not a human! Just go and leave me alone, it's safer that way."

"Hey Tongari, that's not possible. I have a mission. I can't abandon it out of my own free will. Also, I knew."

Wolfwood put out his smoke and went back to sleep without explaining.

"Knew what?" was Vash confused by his words.

"That you're not human. After all, you made a hole in the moon."

"Then why were you surprised?"

"I didn't think it would show like this. Of course the first reaction would be to be afraid."

Priest turned out to be unwavering.

"Please, just go. Worry and fear don't let me be. How many times do I have to explain that I don't want anyone to die?!"

He was close to despair by that time. Why couldn't this human leave like all the others? There must've been something wrong with him, this was not how humans usually acted when they learned that he has power over their lives.

"Calm down, I won't die" mumbled Priest completely ignoring his wish "And if you're planning to start crying then I'll reply with same and I can assure you that this is not something anyone would wish to see. It's not a pretty sight when someone like me cries."

Vash fell silent. This was the second time he had been threatened with something like this. Even stranger was that it worked both times.

"We'll continue talking in the morning. Close your eyes now Tongari, I need to sleep."

Soon, Wolfwood's breathing had become quiet and rhythmic. It showed that he had finally managed to fall asleep. In the meantime Vash wasn't any sleepier than before.

Should he just go by himself and leave Wolfwood behind? It was a tempting choice of actions but priest had said that they'll talk in the morning.

Vash stood up and went out for a walk because obviously, sleep was not coming any time soon and all his thoughts had become tangled in his mind. He liked the sight the city offered at night. It was a lot calmer and there were even stars in the sky. He looked at them.

They were so alluring and pretty but so far and cold for those on this planet. Stars were strangers for the people on this planet, they hadn't grown up in the middle of them. They didn't know what it was like to see them passing by as the ship travels through space and time searching for a final sanctuary.

Vash still remembered. He had felt so small. Recalling those memories brought a smile to his face. Those times had been so easy and simple. Now he had to worry all the time and that wasn't easy at all. It had also been a while since he had last seen a proper smile and now he was missing them. They made it easier. He could see that fighting is still worth something because of them. They were some kind of assurance for him.

Maybe he should visit that orphanage and ask how Nico has been? That could've brought his mind away from all the troubles and Wolfwood for a moment.

Wolfwood was strange. Vash had no idea how to deal with a human so similar to himself. Priest knew to much to not make any sudden decisions regarding him. What if he changes his mind and decides it's better for all humanity if Plant is dead? It could be dangerous.

Still, regardless of his vagueness and possible danger because humans could be dangerous, Vash was glad. What didn't match at all with his suspicions about Wolfwood but he decided to ignore it.

He was glad that priest hadn't run away even though it wasn't good. Priest treated him like a human and sometimes, it made him forget. Then, for a while, all the weight was lifted from his shoulders and he felt as if he could breathe.

Everything he would have given to just be human. Then he would've really been like Rem.

He climbed down from the small roof where he had gone to observe the stars as coldness started to get under his skin and walked back into the hotel were Wolfwood was still fast asleep.

He had decided not to leave yet.

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