2. I Choose You

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Friday, March 27, 1998

The day has come. I am departing on my training journey. I should've mentioned this earlier, but I just gotten my training license two days ago. When you get your license, you can either choose a Pokémon you own to be your starter Pokémon, or if you don't have a Pokémon, you can choose one of three: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle.

For my starter Pokémon, I chose Pikachu, whom I had gotten when I turned four.

I guess it's time to get dressed. I put on my blue jeans, black t-shirt, clean underwear, white socks, and my red and white sneakers. Next was my hat and jacket. My hat is red with a white front and red bill. It has a green P-M insignia with a yellow bolt of lightning behind it. My jacket is red with white sleeves, collar, pockets, and trim. Now I should probably go to Prof. Oak's place.

Well, I got to Prof. Oak's lab, to get the new Pokédex I was helping him work on. It's an encyclopedia on everything Pokémon. He's negotiating a deal with some electronics manufacturer in Japan to mass-produce it, and he says that in five years, every trainer in the Americas, Europe, and Asia will have one.

"This device is a Pokédex, programmed by Prof. Samuel Oak and Ash Ketchum. My function is to provide the user with information and advice on all things Pokémon. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced."

"Ash? When the heck did you get here?" It was Gary.

"Oh, nothing much, just setting off on my adventure," I replied. Gary took a Poké Ball off the table and showed it to Prof. Oak.

I took my Pokédex and registered Pikachu as my starter Pokémon. With that, I was on my way. My mom and Jenny were there, and we said our goodbyes. After that, it was go time!

I was deep into Route 1 when I saw it. The highest flying Pidgey I'd ever seen. I took Pikachu off my shoulder by the tail and started swinging him around above my head like a lasso. I let go, and he soared up to the Pidgey, landing on the Pidgey's back.

"Pikachu! Thunder Shock!" I screamed.

"Pi...ka...CHUUUUUUU!" There was a loud screech that sounded like a Pokémon cry. Suddenly, Pikachu and that Pidgey were plummeting down to their almost inevitable dooms.

Pikachu grabbed onto a branch with its tail, bouncing off and onto the Pidgey. I whipped out a Poké Ball from my backpack and chucked it at the Pidgey. It seemed like it had disappeared inside the Poké Ball, but the ball was shaking violently. Within seconds, I heard a chime emit from the Poké Ball.

I had captured the Pidgey! I registered it in my Pokédex, and I was off. Pikachu and I went to a nearby pond, and began skipping rocks. I skipped one so far it crossed the pond, hitting a Spearow on the head. Within seconds, it called its flock, and we were being chased by about 50 Spearow.

Luckily, there was a waterfall not too far from where we were. We jumped, and sunk to the bottom. Eventually, something snagged onto my collar, and Pikachu and I went flying out of the water and onto the ground. Ouch.

"Oh, no! A boy and his Pokémon!" Some girl ran up to us. She made sure we weren't dead, and then pointed us in the direction of the nearest hospital.

"They're coming back! Run for it!" I took off on the girl's bike (it was for a greater good, trust me), and flew for what felt like 15 minutes. Suddenly it started to rain. The Spearow were gaining on us, when disaster struck.

We hit a rock and went flying over the road and off the bike. The Spearow were right there. We were being pecked so hard we were bleeding. Suddenly, Pikachu went up and over, and hit the Spearow with a Thunderbolt.

Here I am, surrounded by Spearow carcasses. Pikachu's practically dead at this point. What have I done? I've killed it. I feel faint, like I might die too...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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