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The next morning, the lights had barely been on for three minutes before Isa's phone rang

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The next morning, the lights had barely been on for three minutes before Isa's phone rang. "Islander's, it's time for each of you to go on your final date," she read out, the other couples yelling in excitement. Everyone got a few minutes of happiness in before Isa's phone rang again. "However, while on your date, you must choose which couple you think is the least compatible couple. That couple will be vulnerable and therefore at risk of being dumped from the island."

"That killed the mood," Shaq said as the bedroom was silent. 

Lana's phone rang quickly, announcing she and Ron's final date. The girls all hyped the blonde up, dragging her to the dressing room to get her ready. The blonde was buzzing as she walked out of the door with Ron, the other islanders heading to get ready for their day. 

As the girls got ready, the decision of the day was the topic of the day. Isa knew it was going to be an extremely tough decision, and she loved them all, but they all were having to do it. Isa headed out to the garden, moving to Tom who was sat on a couch and curling up by him. He was chatting with Will and Isa nodded off till the villa errupted as Lana and Ron walked back in. 

The girls quickly moved over to the side to get Lana sat down and hear about the date. Lana was buzzing as she described her day and the beautiful setting. The debrief was cut short when Tom yelled out that he had a text. "Tom and Isa, it is now time for your finally date!" he read out and the islanders all got hype as the girls dragged Isa inside to get ready. 

"What about this one?" Isa asked as she held up a floral printed two piece, and all the girls were immediately telling her that was it. She did her hair and makeup in record time before walking downstairs to where Tom was waiting for her by the door. 

"You look so handsome," she cooed as she walked up and cupped his face, giving him a kiss before he wrapped her up in a hug. 

"You look stunning," Tom pulled back to look at her. The two smiled before waving to their friends and walking out of the villa. 

"I am so excited, this is our first date!" Isa swung Tom's hand that was clasped in her own as they walked down the drive. 

"Me too," He pulled her closer to his side as the two pulled to a stop seeing the Red Ferrari waiting for them. 

"Oh my god!" Isa squealed as she ran to the door, getting behind the wheel. "C'mon Tom, geez."

"You're not going to let me drive?" Tom pouted but got in the passenger side. 

"Nope, you can drive home," she smiled cheekily as she started the car. As they drove, they took in the sites and Tom rested his hand over her thigh as she drove the car with ease. The two pulled up to a beautiful pavilion and were in awe to see a harpist along with some insane rose florals set up. 

"This is unbelievable," Isa said as she watched the harpist, Tom's arms coming around her waist as they listened. The two thanks the woman as she finished and took a little bow, before leaving the two of them. Tom helped Isa get seated, before popping the bottle of champagne.

"Cheers to you. I never thought I would be sitting here with a woman like you," Tom toasted. "And I am so glad to be here with you."

"Cheers," Isa beamed as she took her sip. "Isn't this crazy that we're here together."

"I think when you walked in, I just knew," Tom admitted. "Like the moment I met you, and talked with, it just felt like it was there."

"I agree. Something just drew me in about you, and I tried to fight it but I am so glad I gave in. Because I fell in love, and to have found a man I know my family will love, I just couldn't have asked for anything else."

"I know that family is so big to both of us," Tom looked into her eyes. "And I've always wanted someone to be with me that I know would get on with them, and with my sister, and I just can imagine you and my sister being friends. And my mum will love you."

"I can't wait to see them," Isa smiled. "I feel like I already know them. And it's the same with my family. Like I can imagine you kicking the ball in the garden with my brothers and dad, and my mum will try to feed you so much food."

"What about Pizza?" Tom asked with a cheeky grin. "Will he be happy with another man in his mummy's life."

"I think he will," Isa grinned. "Give him attention, and he'll love you. Just like his mom."

"Well, I do love his mom," Tom winked cheekily.

The date was going so well, and it was so beautiful. But eventually they had to talk about the decision they had to make. "Starting with Shaq and Tanya," Tom started off. 

"Honestly, I feel like there is a lot of love there. But I think the decisions that were made, make me very wary about how compatible they actually are. And Casa has been and gone, and the public is clearly still seeing something there."

"With Kai and Sanam, I feel like you can just see how much they like each other," Tom said. 

"I agree, and I think they are so well suited personality wise. Like I can really see them going for the long run," Isa added. 

"Withe Jessie and Will, I mean we have seen how Will has just fallen for Jessie," Tom said. "And yes, Jessie lives on the other side of the world, but she's said she's willing to move to the UK for Will and I believe it."

"Last, Lana and Ron. Honestly, I think they are really compatible. They're personalities really match, and I can see how much they really do care about each other. And I think Ron has really put in work to show he has changed for her, and I just think they will genuinely work on the outside."

In the end, Isa and Tom ended up making the tough decision to choose Shaq and Tanya. The couple took a bit longer to try to bump up their somber mood before heading back to the car where Tom got to drive the couple back to the villa. As the two of them walked through the door, Isa headed to the dressing room while Tom headed to the bedroom. 

"How was it," Lana asked as the girl sat down. 

"It was mental!" Isa laughed. "We got to drive a Ferrari over to the date, and there was this beautiful pavilion with a harpist playing and a ton of roses. It was stunning."

Tanya and Shaq were the next couple to head out. The girls helped her get ready before also getting ready for their evening in the villa. The four girls headed out to keep gossiping about Tom and Isa's date. 

"Yeah we just talked a lot about the outside and our families and things," Isa grinned. "And we did say we loved each other." The girls all squealed as Isa grinned. 

"Yeah, I'm a soppy girl in love," Isa shrugged.

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