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first recoupling

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first recoupling

Isabella walked into the bedroom the next morning to the girls piling on top of Tanya. "Feliz aniversario amor!" the girl called out as she leaned over to press a kiss to Tanya's forehead.

"Oi, you cannot speak another language early in the morning," Tom looked panicked from his spot at the foot of Will's bed as the girl laughed.

"Portugese is a beautiful language, like beautiful, but dangerous in the morning," Tom laughed as he squirmed in the beach hut.

The girls gathered on the terrace, turning to Ellie to start off the morning chat. It was good to see the girl wasn't too pressed about the Tom situation, but Olivia had definitely taken a hit and was treading carefully with the boy. Tanyel and Lana both talked through their thoughts as well, before getting ready for the day. 

It was the morning of talks, and Isabella watched Tom pull both Liv and Ellie, Aaron pulled Tanyel, and then Ron pulled her. "Yeah I mean I think since you've been in here I've been a bit more bouncy and things," the boy said.

"So you think I bring that out in you?" Isa asked.

"Yeah maybe," he shrugged. 

"I mean to be honest, if you think another girl brings that out in you, why do you keep going back to Lana?" Isabella asked bluntly. "I think you and Lana are great for each other, but when you say things like that, me as someone who sees how much that girl thinks of you, starts to wonder if you're just stringing her along."

"Whoa, alright then," Ron said shocked. "I mean-"

"This isn't me trying to be a bitch," Isabella interrupted. "I just want to be honest on how comments like that sound and how they would make any girl feel honestly."

Ron nodded silently before quickly making his excuses. Isa saw Lana cuddling with Tanya and figured the blonde would probably need space from the girl she saw as effecting her relationship. Isabella decided to just spend the rest of her afternoon tanning, the girl joined by Tanyel after a bit. 

The girls dressed in bright colors that night, to celebrate Tanya's birthday. After a quick toast, the group quickly broke off and Isabella was pulled off with the girls. "Hows everyone feeling tonight?" Lana asked as they all sat. "Do you know where your head is at?" the girls turned to Isabella.

"Honestly, I know where my head is not," Isa laughed, the girls echoing her. "Like theres a few ways I am being tugged but its still so early, I feel like I still need to get to know some of the boys. But in the end, I am just grateful for you girls and not like, icing me out, because I do value my friendships so much and I do want to have those with you girls."

Their chat was cut off as Ron and Kai approached, Ron asking to grab Tanyel and Kai asking Isabella to speak. "You really had to tag team that so blatantly?" Isa chuckled as she sat down with Kai. 

"Had to get you for a chat somehow," he shrugged. "I don't want to say it in a harsh way, but I am just not really interested in her anymore."

Isabella nodded along as Kai talked through what he saw his issues like with his relationship with Tanyel. "Honestly the biggest part of this whole experience is you just have to stay true to yourself and it sounds like thats what you're doing at the end of the day."

They were quickly interrupted by Ron yelling that he had a text. "Islanders, please gather around the fire pit immediately," the mood turned somber as the group headed towards the couches. 

They waited for a moment before Ellie's phone beeped. "Tonight there will be a recoupling with the boys choosing the girls they would like to couple up with. The girl not picked to be in a couple will be dumped immediately," the islanders were speechless as the girls stood to lineup across from the fire pit.

"I don't know if I have any super strong connections yet, so to have this recoupling is definitely nerve wracking for me," Isabella sighed in the beach hut.

Will started off, coupling with Jessie which got everyone smiling again. Aaron went next, and chose Lana, which made Isa smile. She thought the blonde deserved better than what she was getting and hoped this would be the moment that changed things for her.

Spencer went on to couple with Olivia, while Shaq and Tanya recoupled again. Then it was Kai's turn.

 "I've decided to couple up with this girl because she is absolutely beautiful. We've had some chats and I think we're here for the same thing, and I want to keep exploring that connection. So tonight, the girl I would like to couple up with is,


The Brazilian girl smiled as she walked over and offered Kai a hug before they took a seat. Ron went on next to couple with Tanyel. It then came down to Tom and Ellie and Zara. Isa frowned as she realized which way this would go. Tom went on to choose Ellie, meaning Zara would be leaving the villa. 

Everyone got up to hug the girl, before the girls headed inside to help her pack. 

"Zara was fierce and unapologetically herself and gosh she was great," Isabella nodded in the beach hut. "She's definitely going to be missed."

After seeing the girl off, Isa made her tea before Kai came over and asked her for a chat. The two sat down before he started off. "How are you feeling after the first recoupling?"

"I did not think that would happen tonight," she shook her head.

"You happy to be coupled with me?" Kai smirked.

"I mean you're a lovely boy, and we do get on. It's still so early like I am still getting to know people," Isabella tried to play diplomatic with him. "But yeah."

As the girls headed inside and the night wound down, Isa found herself sitting inside with Tanyel, the other girl asking how she was feeling.

"I don't know, like Tom has just got this like banter that draws me in," Isa explained. "And he's obviously having a bit of a time since I came in, but I find myself just wanting to chat with him all the time."

"Stop, why is that kind of cute," Tanyel laughed as she nudged Isabella.

"I just don't know if Kai has that, like he's lovely but," the girl shrugged.

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