Meet Your Royal Highnesses

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Callista POV

When we arrived we were quickly escorted into a huge long hall. Memories flashed through my head made me sway. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I turned around coming face to face with Ricky.

"I'm fine just a little headache." He raises his eyebrows and quickly kisses me. Before we die of boredom the doors open again and we walk to them. Once inside the doors lock. I immediatley get this gut feeling that something bad is gonna happen.

I grasp Ricky's hand and hold it tight. He squeezes it back. We each take a breath and walk forward. More memories and flashbacks. A huge wave of regret and sorrow hits me as the thrones come into view.

My hand flies to my chest as all the oxygen leaves the room. Ricky is immediately searching for the cause if my pain. He pulls me into a hug and the oxygen returns. I nod. Telling him I'm okay as I'm not ready to speak yet.

A guy appears to introduce us. The queen holds up her hand to silence him, she clears her throat and stands up. I gasped in wonder.She is wearing a black dress with black heels and her golden brown hair flows over her shoulders. That's not why I gasped.

As she walked gracefully down the stairs, huge black wings with white tips unfurled. I stood there gawping and I'm pretty sure Ricky was too. She stood in front of him. Staring at him as if he wasn't welcome.

"Why are you here ?" Her voice rang out ,cold and calculating yet calm and motherly. She looked expectant. I nudged Ricky. To bring him out of his stupor.

He cleared his throat and regained his composure. "I'm here on behalf of my mate, Callista Evans." The queens gaze slipped to me. "I take it you're Miss Evans ?" Her gaze hardened when she settled on me. Her eyes were green with flecks of gold and blue, like mine. We all went silent.

I inched closer to Ricky, who grasped my hand. The queen narrowed her eyes. "Hmm. I suspected as much. " She turned around as if expecting someone to be standing there. She sighed and excused herself. Ricky looked at me with concern and confusion.

Not a minute later the queen's voice rang put clear as a bell and as cols as ice. "RILEY GET IN HERE" she turned back to us and smiled warmly at Ricky but turned to me and stared coldly.

More memories and flashbacks hit stronger than ever and I collapsed, my hand gripping Ricky's extremely tight. He was down at my level in a flash. The queen smiled cruelly and Riley finally appeared.

Riley rushed over as I was struggling to breathe. The memories and flashbacks of a life I didn't know where overwhelming me , suffocating me and I was helpless. I screamed as white hot pain shot up my shoulder blades and I fought against my dromitti side.

Ricky knew what was happening and told Riley to hold my legs down. I felt the familiar coldness of my armour seeping onto my shoulders and thighs. My breathing comes in pants. I'm trying to stop the change.

I look at Ricky and he nods his head. He's telling me to change. I take a deep breath and I start to float. The rest of my armour clatters on my hair turns red and my wings unfurl. My black obsidian sword appears at my side. Riley whistles which earns him a hard glare from Ricky.

The queen smiles like she's heard really good news. I float back down beside Ricky who gives me a kiss. Mainly to show Riley I'm taken. I look over to him and he licks his lips grinning evilly at me.

I ignore him and revel in the fact that i just transformed and I'm still me. I turn to the queen. "Sorry for any drama I caused I've only shifted twice before."

She smiles a warm smile at me. "It's fine we all go through it. It took my son 5 years to grasp shifting." Riley turns red. She turns back to us. "We have your rooms ready,you have the option to share or be separate." Ricky speaks up. "We'll share,your Highness, thank you."

The queen looks at me. "Can you shift back ?" I nod slowly. "I can, but I always collapse because it takes too much energy." She nods again. "Yes the first few times are very depleting. Very well you are dismissed."

Ricky gave me a nod. I imagined myself back to my human self. With the red dress ,the heels,my updo. Within minutes my armour and sword disappeared and my wings settled onto my back. I managed to mumble "Ricky please catch-" before I nearly hit the floor.

And I welcome sleep with open arms.

So guys what do you think ??
What about Riley ? What's he thinking ? Anything you want me to write (say a smutty scene ????) Just comment or message me !!
This is your author
Signing off ✌

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