Be Careful

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Harper's perspective

Waking up, I felt a strange feeling, unknown to me. The feeling of contentment. This feeling was better than playing music, this feeling was the feeling that could make you feel whole, even in the worst of times. God, look at me, I sound like Ana. She's rubbing off on me. After last night, I think I will be seeing more of Ana. However, right now I have an interview to do about our new singles that will soon be released.s

I chose an outfit that the paparazzi couldn't make fun off and drove to the interview. I didn't go alone of course, why would the media just be interested in the guitarist? So I went with Milo, Ross and Phoebe and our agent. The car ride there was a bit awkward, no one said anything about last night. Milo seemed more relaxed than usual, and he smiled to himself from time to time. He must've got some. Shame Ross and Phoebe were still their same selves, enclosed in the bubble that they created around themselves. They were a 'perfect couple' to the media, when in reality they had been toxic for a while.

The interview was over after a couple of hours, and Milo and I went back to my house. "What did you do yesterday?" I asked Milo, curious as to what put in such a good mood.
"Well we performed together in a club," he answered, completely hiding the truth.
"Don't play dumb."
"Okay, well I may have stayed over with Tasha."
"Who's Tasha."
"Just some girl who went to our gig."
I told him about Harper, to which Milo seemed surprised. Then it seemed as if a switch flicked within him, as he looked at me more intently.
"You do realise, H that you will receive hate comments if the media find out," Milo replied more bluntly than I've ever heard him talk.
"Why? Because I'm not straight. So what?" I answered with a hint of fury within my voice.
"You know that society doesn't accept you," Milo answered, "and quite frankly they never will."
To his words I felt vulnerable, weak. Milo sounded just like his father. Conservative, religious and down right homophobic.
"What are you trying to say Milo?"
"I'm saying that we cannot survive as a band if this gets out," he said almost threatening me, "so be careful."
I agreed that I would be careful and we sat in silence after that conversation. What if I wanted to make my relationship public? Why does Milo get a say in that?

Ana's perspective

"Well hello you, I can't lie I was surprised to see Milo with you when I came home," I teased Tasha. She looked like a wreck, poor girl probably didn't get any sleep.
"Shut up Ana, let me sleep," Tasha whined, burying her face into her cushion.
"It's 2pm," I laughed pulling the sheets of her.
"Ana! I need my sleep. Fuck off," Tasha complained dragging the covers back over her. I decided to let her win, and sat down next to her. "Harper and I kissed," I declared, blushing as I recalled the moment.
"Finally," was all Tasha could say, followed by a long yawn.
"Wow. If you don't give one, just say so," I laughed poking her in her side.
"Let. Me. Sleep." Tasha pleaded.
"Sweet dreams," I said and kissed her on her forehead. It was a weekend, so it wasn't as if Tasha had a shift to get to anyway.

All I could think about was Harper. She consumed my every thought. I needed to see her. Therefore, I drove to her house and knocked on her door, patiently waiting for her to open it. Once she did, her face lit up when she saw me, but I couldn't help notice that she looked around before letting me in.
"Miss me already, miss Golding," she asked, walking over to her kettle to make me a coffee.
"I was bored, so I came to see you," I lied, I wasn't bored, I just needed to be in her company.
"Do you have sugar and milk with your coffee?" She asked, and this made me giggle a little as it's not everyday a celebrity asks you this question.
"Milk, no sugar."

She nodded her head, and we began to talk in her kitchen. We just stayed there in silence for while, whilst staring at each others eyes- and lips. It felt wrong, but so right at the same time. My sexuality had never been an issue for me, and I wondered if that was the same for her.
"Milo says we should be careful," Harper said, breaking the eye contact.
"Careful of what?" I asked, intrigued.
"You know, not everyone will accept us."
"And....what are we?" I questioned, taking a step towards her to close the distance. Our lips were just centimetres apart, and a small smile formed on her lips.
"Whatever you want to be, sweetheart," her words were able to make me melt, ironic considering I'm the author here, "but if we were in a relationship, the fans may not be so supportive."
I suddenly realised what she meant by this, and I hung my head slightly. Was she calling this off? What she telling me that we could never be girlfriends?
"Will you be my girlfriend? I don't care what Milo thinks, or the rest of the world for that matter," Harper asked nervously, her legs shaking a little beneath her.
"From the moment I saw you, H, my eyes lit up, you are the embodiment of beauty itself," I began, "so of course, I will be your girlfriend." She threw her arms around me and kissed me passionately. This time with lust. But what is lust without love? I told myself that I could not fall for Harper, until I knew she was completely certain about this relationship. As for Milo, I would have to keep an eye on him.

Did I love Harper? Of course not, it was far too soon for that. I understood that I had to be careful with my feelings, as when dating a celebrity, it is very different to dating the general public.

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