phone call

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we start working on the song and we can't think of anything

"aren't you guys supposed to be good at this stuff?" i joke

"aren't you supposed to be practicing guitar??" tom replies

"OH MY GOD I FORGOT" i jump up
"do you guys have one i could borrow...?" i say with a nervous smile

bill sighs and leaves the room
he comes back with a nice guitar

"maybe taking a break will help us think" he suggests

"we've been working on this for like 5 minutes bill" tom says

"shut the fuck up tom we have like 4 days" bill rolls his eyes

"um guys i kinda need help to be able to play" i laugh

"oh yeah" tom chuckles
"bill can't play so i'll have to teach you"

i see bill frown slightly, why is he sad about that?

bill hands me the guitar and his hands brush against mine, i see him blush slightly and sit down quickly
i smile to myself

tom helps me learn and i pick up quite a few things
i can play a small tune, i think i'll be able to play our song when it's due

"you're actually really good Daniela" bill smiles


i'm interrupted by a phone ringing on his bed

"'s our manager?" bill says confused
"i'll be right back guys"

bill leaves the room and starts talking in his phone

"so why aren't you guys dating yet" tom giggles

"shut up tom, he doesn't even like me. plus i just got here calm down"

"whatever you say Daniela 😋"

a few minutes pass and i hear a ding from toms phone
i look over slightly but he shuts off his phone and gets up

"um..i'll be back" he says while walking out and shutting the door

"what is going on?" i whisper to myself

i sit on my phone until they get back

i hear a deep breath outside the door
they both come inside and sit down on the bed

"what happened?-"

"it's getting kinda late Daniela." tom says putting our homework away

i get the hint and start packing my stuff up. bill doesn't look at me once and says goodbye

"bye..?" i say walking out the door

what just happened. did tom say something to him?

i feel my eyes get teary but i suck it up and walk to my house


i wake up and i'm dreading going to school
it's only my second day but what happened yesterday ruined my mood

as i walk into school i get nervous about seeing tom and bill

but what i see is worse.


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