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The slavers were left on the disabled ship the Enterprise towed with cables. No one wanted them among the population. They were only sending them regular meals and checking up on their vitals now and then.

The men – and curiously, a few women as well – seemed almost relieved that Starfleet took over their fate, and didn't offer any trouble. Jon didn't have the heart to tell them that he wasn't going to free them and send them on their merry way. They were the worst sort of criminals and Mar and her women deserved the payday for their hard work ridding the galaxy of such individuals.

The Duchess's crew seemed to feel quite comfortable onboard the Enterprise. They appreciated the offer of neutral clothing – Starfleet standard-issue jumpsuits – and a place to sleep undisturbed. There were only a few vacant two-bed quarters, but most of the women did not mind company and insisted that their leader should have one of the rooms. So Mar moved in with Sevon and the other two were occupied by four lucky straw drawers, while the rest of them happily shared eight-bed dormitories.

Both crews got along swimmingly, which was good news, since the journey was going to take them two weeks, slowed down by the ship they were towing.

They all spent a lot of time in the newly built common area and talked about everything: their races, history, cultures, habits, special gifts, and in return the humans described their species and life on Earth. The jacuzzi, installed only during the last visit to the Jupiter Station, was in use non-stop and it seemed like there were even some romances brewing. The usually quiet environment of the mess hall was filled with joyful chatter and laughter. Jon, as well as his away team, watched in wonder as the battle-hardened renegades turned into a group of chipper girl-tourists as soon as they accepted that they were welcome and safe on the Enterprise.

They were of all shapes, sizes and colors, various species and races, even age. Jon figured some of them were better suited to commanding the whole group, whatever they chose to call it, but something evidently made them put their trust in the Duchess. When he asked around, he was told that she was the first – she used her past connections and a secret stash of money to get away from her owner and then singlehandedly freed a small group of captives on their way to a slave market, when she let herself be captured with them.

A few of them chose to follow her example and as they continued their efforts, a community grew. It couldn't grow forever, as there was only so much room on each of the targeted slaver ships, so many stayed only long enough to gain resources to start their own lives somewhere far away. But the core became a sort of family, holding onto each other for better or for worse.

Jon couldn't help but admire these people. They took a big chance, risked their lives for freedom, and then risked their lives and their freedom again and again to give the opportunity to others in a similar position. No matter what bad habits they had picked up along their way, there was something alluring about this kind of strength.

The only one who kept a distance from the general fun was Mar. She often sat among her friends, but stayed quiet, as an observer. She reacted to the conversation, even laughed on occasion, but only spoke out when directly spoken to. She didn't tell anyone about herself or her past, and if she had any special abilities, she didn't offer a description.

The Enterprise crew, as if sensing her reluctance to share, decided against goading information out of her. She was just present among them, left to her own cloud of silence, like a beautiful centerpiece.

Jon invited her to lunch with him and one of the senior officers several times, but while she looked comfortable in the presence of anyone else aboard the ship, she seemed tense and distrustful around him. Every time, Jon ended up chatting up T'Pol or Trip, with Mar just observing and offering single worded sentences.

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