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The soles of my feet bled and wept profusely as I ran through the woods. My heart pounded against my ribs, my chest aching with every mile. I hear the dogs' thunderous growls and the herd of men behind me somewhere. I gasp as I almost trip, my arms scratching up as I catch myself from falling.

"This way!" A guard shouts, their voice echoing from the shadows.

I twist and turn before picking up the shriveled ends of my dress and run continuously in one direction. I can make it—I believe I can.

Athena gave me no choice but to try.

I skidded to a stop, attempting to catch my breath, and watched it blow over as the mist evaporated from the waterfall. My expression fell, turning into a scrunched, saddened one. Lantern hues of fiery orange and yellow licked my skin as the guard drew nearer.

I again face the waterfall, the gushing blue liquid landing into a pool of unknown. A sob creeps from my throat at the beautiful sight I may never see again. A faint hissing snaps me out of my fears, nipping the shells of my ear until I feel my eyes begin to burn.


I keep my back turned to the hellish reality behind me. Their dogs and men had me cornered. His men. "You know the rules."

A pounding started erupting against my skull, causing me to wince. The marching of their shoes and the clinking of their weapons had me laughing.


I don't recognize the voice that starts using mine—or what was mine. She was hurt, but unattainable. A deep cackle escapes my lips, a sinful cry that would send civilians running. I press a hand to my chest and turn slowly to meet the many faces that make up Poseidon's soldiers. My full lips curl. "Beast? That's awfully rude."

The snake grew antsy, pushing against the scarf I wrapped tightly around my head. The guards cornered me on the cliff, the dogs snarling and snapping their teeth. Glare set on their faces, and their swords and shields were held up. "Poseidon demands your presence at the temple!" the leader called out.

"You'd have to catch me first," I mumble, tugging the scarf off my head to reveal the curse I've been given for eternity. Their screams of horror excited me, seeping into my bones thrillingly. I laugh, watching the pale flesh turn to stone. "Let this be a warning to your foul king."

"You witch!"


"Let this be a lesson to all who seek me. A warning—for if they do, they'll die." I tilted my head back and bathed in the moonlight, letting the cold air hug me warmly. I no longer felt cold or feared that I may suffer a sickness or fever. Beauty had never scared me until now, knowing what its capabilities are and what it can convince men to do. They're monsters—all of them.

The last of their screams disappeared until I heard nothing but the soft whimpers of the dogs who accompanied them. I left them untouched, for I had known these dogs for all my life and couldn't bring myself to harm them. Howling winds picked up, and the water began to burn. He was near. Looking over the edge of the waterfall with a tired sigh, I took a chance and leaped over the cliff.

Once the water engulfed me, I quickly swam towards the edge of the pool and lifted myself up. Picking up the pace, I don't waste time and race across the flower plains, biting my lip as the flowers start to wilt when I pass. Thunder bombed in the sky, dark rain clouds swarming, no doubt from Zeus' rage. I place a hand over my eyes to avoid the bright shine of the lightning brightening the sky. In doing so, I spot a small boat in the distance and push myself harder.

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