.:Chapter Eleven - Final Chapter:.

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 Three and a half years later.

Zacky carried the very last box into his brand new two bedroom home, reading the chicken scratch writing on the top to see where he should take it. It was labeled 'bedroom' so, with a sigh that blew his raven-colored hair from his stunning hazel eyes, he began trudging up the staircase, having traveled this same route many times that day. As he reached the master bedroom, his eyes focused on a heavenly sight.

His boyfriend was on his knees in the floor, only in a pair of tight-fitting jeans, snapping different components together from their newly-bought bed frame. Zacky took in the sight of Brian's beautifully tan skin, his well-sculpted muscular back, the way his muscles bulged against the inked skin of his arms as he constructed their bed.

Getting the feeling that he was being watched, Brian smirked. This often happened when he would do something around Zacky with his shirt off. "If you're done ogling my body, I could use some help." He growled playfully without turning around, shocking his hazel-eyed boyfriend so much that he dropped the box he was carrying. "Good lord, Zee, you act like I've never caught you staring." Brian chuckled, still not turning around.

"S-sorry, sorry!" He squealed, blushing horribly as he skipped over and dropped onto his knees next to Brian. "I just.. I dunno, your body is like candy to my eyes." Zacky giggled, grabbing the instruction booklet and pretending to flip through it.

"I believe that's called eye candy, my love." Brian rumbled, finally looking up at his younger boyfriend. "Y'know, for getting all A's in school, you sure don't have much of a way with words."

"I only get tripped up when I'm with you. You make my brain go to mush. Plus," Zacky smirked, climbing into Brian's lap and loosely wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's strong, broad shoulders. "I only got A's in English, and that was because I was sleeping with the teacher."

"Oh, really?" Brian growled devilishly, one brow cocked upwards in a playful manner as he slipped his strong arms around Zacky's slim waist. "That sounds pretty kinky. Sounds like that teacher was a lucky guy." The hazel-eyed boy giggled, looking down in a bashful sort of way. He looked back up and pressed a gentle kiss to Brian's lips, his heart pounding against his ribcage.

"Well, I don't know about the teacher, but I know that I sure was lucky, and I still am." He winked, earning a chuckle from the older man.

"I love you so much, Zee.." Brian smiled, his brown eyes tinted with admiration.

"And I love you, Bri.. Now," Zacky chuckled. "Let's get this bed set up and these boxes unpacked, and then I'll make some dinner and call the guys and your dad over. Sound good?" He smiled, his fingers absentmindedly trailing through Brian's feathery black hair, occasionally rubbing a few strands of between his thumb and forefinger.

"Sounds great." Brian replied, pressing a kiss to Zacky's lips. He pressed their mouths together a bit harder to make the kiss grow deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until he finally pulled away and playfully swatted the hazel-eyed boy's behind. After a few scolding words from Zacky, both men began putting the bed together.

Once they were finished putting the bed together, they unpacked all the boxes and put the contents in their designated rooms. Brian hung up pictures on the walls as Zacky made several calls to Jimmy, Matt and Johnny, as well as Mr. Haner, Brian's dad. Once the phone calls were all made, Zacky started on a big dinner of mashed potatoes, ham, green beans, cornbread and chicken breasts.

"Jeez, do we live in Kentucky?" Brian growled playfully, a brow raised as he watched Zacky set the table with all the so called 'southern' foods. The hazel-eyed boy gave him an unenthusiastic look, and just as he was about to say something, the doorbell rang and echoed through the two-bedroom home.

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