.:Chapter One:.

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Zacky sighed, tapping his fingers on the wooden desk in front of him as his other hand was preoccupied with doodling on a blank page in his notebook. He didn't hate being in school, but he didn't love being there either. He was indifferent to the entire situation. He was one of the only ones in the classroom so far, seeing as class didn't actually start for another five minutes or so. His teacher, Mrs. Albright, walked in through the door and flashed him a friendly smile. She was about eight months pregnant, and soon, she would have to take leave to make sure everything was in order for her baby to be born.

"Morning, Zachary! You're here early." She called as she sat her tote bag down next to her desk and then picked up a dry erase marker, writing things on the whiteboard that he couldn't see. Zacky grumbled quietly to himself. He hated the name Zachary, it sounded way too proper.

"Good morning, Mrs. Albright.. When are you taking your leave of absence?" He asked curiously, trying to keep his tone from sounding as though he was eager for her to leave. Before she could answer, though, the bell rang; students suddenly poured into the classroom and took their seats, filling every empty desk there was. Zacky sunk down into his seat nervously, glancing around for any sign of the group of kids he normally had trouble with. Thankfully, there was no trace of them in the classroom.

"Well, as you all know," Mrs. Albright clasped her hands together, her eyes and her smile as bright as could be. "I'm about eight months along, and in about a week, I'll need to take some time off to make sure everything is ready for the little soccer player in my womb." She chuckled. "So, with that in mind, I'd like to go ahead and introduce you guys to your temporary student teacher!" She waved her hand at the door, almost like she was motioning someone in. After a pause, the student teacher stepped in.

Zacky widened his eyes, taking in the sight of the gorgeous man. He was about twenty years old, with deep brown eyes and feathery black hair that reached his shoulders. His jawline was square and strong with a bit of scruff on his chin, and his entire body was well-balanced between muscles and lankiness. He was beautiful.

"Jeez, Mrs. Albright, you're making me feel like a zoo display animal," He blushed and gave a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, hush now. Everyone, this is Brian Haner, and he'll be your substitute while I'm gone." Everyone nodded their welcomes, but Zacky stayed frozen with his eyes focused directly on Brian. He couldn't look away. He was absolutely gorgeous, but Zacky had never been attracted to a man before. This was all so new; Mrs. Albright's voice quickly interrupted his thoughts. "Now, just because we have a guest in the room, doesn't mean we're not going to be working! Now, open your books to page 335.." And with that, class began.

"So, what do you guys think of that new student teacher guy?" Jimmy asked as he sat with his group of friends at the lunch table. There was Jimmy, Zacky, Matt and Johnny, and occasionally, Matt's girlfriend Val sat with them. Jimmy was tall, lanky, with charcoal black hair and crystal blue eyes. Zacky had black hair and hazel blue eyes, he was somewhat short but still tall for his age. Matt was the second tallest of the group behind Jimmy, with dark brown hair that was in a buzz cut, green eyes and a pierced bottom lip with a few tattoos on the upper half of his right arm. Then, finally, Johnny was the shortest (and youngest) of the group, with brown hair and matching brown eyes that were tinted gold. His hair, however, was styled in a mohawk.

"I don't know." Matt's girlfriend, Val, admitted with a shrug; her blonde hair reached the middle of her back on most occasions, but today, she had it pinned up in a cute bun. "He's really quiet. Kinda cute." Matt shot her a warning glance. "Hey, I'm just being honest!" She giggled. The rest of the group put in their thoughts; everyone except for Zacky. He kept his eyes on his sandwich, poking craters into it absentmindedly.

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