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We rose and our gaze met in holy unity. If there was a God, He had died and lived in that moment.

I wanted to reach up and touch the faint scar on Nikola's neck. Instead, I inched up and brought my lips to it. The only invitation I needed was time running out and the fact that Nikola had his hands on me, letting me know I was wanted.

My mind was in a haze when he turned and brought his lips to mine. I exploded and became the perfect ruin.

His fingers twined momentarily with mine and then took flight and wove through my hair alternating between caressing and tugging needfully.

It was I who broke the kiss, not to stop for any other reason than to whisper, "I want to take you to my bed."

He pressed against me and held me close. There was perfume in the air and a kind of magic I could put to music.

Nikola's gaze was electric. "Your parents?"

I had to pull him in for another kiss before replying breathlessly, "I swear I will be quiet."

I reached for his hand and looked longingly from him to the stairs.

He brought my knuckles to his lips and whispered to them, "But I won't."

His pull was powerful. When he embraced me I felt everything that had previously broken glue back together. But when he stepped back, bits of me fell apart again.

Nikola looked at the stairs before letting go to cup my face. "I want you with vile desperation."

We tiptoed up the stairs. Though our house was a century old, the renovations done just before my birth made everything new. I thanked every step for not creaking as old houses do.

We barely got into the room when I grabbed him by a belt loop and began dragging him to my bed.

"The door, Gianni," he stopped me and used his foot to carefully shut it. "A lock?"

I shook my head and began pulling again. "I don't have one. My parents would never come in without knocking." I wanted his lips again. I wanted more.

"What if they do knock?" Though he was worried, he let me lay him on the mattress before I lay next to him.

"I will tell them I am busy."

"But –"

Clasping my hand over his mouth gently, I whispered, "They will understand." Then I nodded and shrugged impishly.

"That's good enough." His fingers were expert dancers on my stomach, moving to each little button of my shirt and twirling until every one of them had been popped open. The softest breeze found my skin when he pulled the material off me and tugged it off my shoulders. Nikola stripped me of my top and tossed it to the floor. Soon, his was following mine.

"There is beauty in this world," he uttered between tiny kisses on my flesh, "and it lays here under me." I felt him shudder. I heard him sigh. "Why couldn't I have met you sooner? What a divine force we would have been."

I thought I would die, not only because of the closeness but because he was writing a lament to everything he'd lost of me before he even had me.

It didn't take long for the rest of our clothes to scatter.

He came to me and I met him in a hush of moonlight and fate.

I prayed my parents had drunk enough to fall into a deep slumber because keeping true to my promise of being quiet was damn near impossible.

I was a choir needing to sing the lyrics to a song he wrote for me. He was the whole damn symphony accompanying me to great heights.

I prayed they didn't hear us but if they did...I regretted nothing.

I regret nothing

Untimely Frost ~ WattPride 2023 ~Where stories live. Discover now