The cliff

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There once was a young boy by the name of Henning. Henning lived in a wooden house in a forest. One day he decided to go exploring the surroundings. Upon his walk he discovered a large cliff.

Now, Henning wasn't the brightest tool in the shed. He thought it might be fun to jump off to see what was in the bottom, so that he did.

He fell and fell and fell until eventually he landed on a giant flower. The flower was about the size of two Hennings and could hold his weight easily. He thanked the large flower and in return, hugged one of the petals.

The flower pondered such a nice boy and as Henning was walked away she reached out to him and pulled him back onto the top of the flower. Her petals pointed twords the vast amount of seeds available. Henning picked one up and took a bite of it.

What did it do? Give Henning magical powers? Help him grow wings? Teach him how to succeed in life?

Nope. It just killed him instantly, the flower was a bit ticked to have someone land on her.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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