Chapter 25

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Jackson's POV:

I just got off the phone with my Dad, wishing for the call to be over the second I picked up. There's so many things I hoped had gone differently between us.

Our father son bond was no longer there because of the passing of my Grandpa.

He took a bullet me for me, and till this day he still thinks I could've done more to save him. I wish he would understand that the day he died, we both lost our best friend.

Willy was amazing, he never gave up on anyone he loved. Even after all those days Dad gave him the hardest time with raising him, he didn't just throw money towards his troubles, he genuinely cared. That's something I will never get from my Dad in a million years.

It's five a.m on a Monday morning, I have to be at the jet by seven. My father called to tell me to pack a suit because just as I suspected, they're hosting a fucking party.

Is it really a celebration when the person your celebrating would rather be anywhere but there? Yeah, I don't fucking think so.

I didn't want to meet the people in my Da-I mean my mafia today, i'll be worn out and might end up punching someone in the fucking face.

Today everything that was once his, is now mine. I guess the only reason that I'd rather do this than quitting to do a real job is because I won't be bossed around by someone I could definitely beat the fuck out of.

I wish I didn't have to be here for three whole fucking months, couldn't I have just claimed my title and left? After all, I am their boss, soon enough they'll have to go wherever the fuck I tell them to go.

But after that, I can come back to my home, home is Lili.

So I guess you could say I'm doing this for me. And you Grandpa.

The second I left Lili's house yesterday, I called some of my best security and told them that they wouldn't be reporting my house everyday, but instead Lili's. I told them to stay lowkey and to not make it seem like she's being followed, that would scare my poor baby.

The reason for this is that her parents are rarely home, and when they are, it's not definite that she'll be completely safe. Especially because of who I am.

But with Grey and Amelia, i'm sure they'll be plenty of company to her.

Time to get this shit over with.


I've been on the jet for ten hours straight with just one more to go. I took a nap at some point knowing that I probably wouldn't get that chance later.

Suddenly, I get an incoming facetime call from 'Baby' with a red heart on the side. I sit up from from my resting position and pull my hoodie down knowing she whines everytime she can't see my "pretty hair".

I answered with the biggest smile on my face.

"Hi baby." She has on a tank top and her favorite flared leggings, she didn't have to tell me they were her favorite for me to know.

"H-hi bubba! Grey and Amelia came over, they need help with calculas. Mama made cookies for us too, G-grey tried to eat them all though." I admire her and her rambling until she turns the camera on Grey, I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

No fucking fair he gets to be with her, his flight is tonight and he won't be here until the next morning.

"Grey stop eating all the fucking cookies."



"Sorry baby, how you been?"

"I miss you, a-a lot." A strand of hair falls on her face and I wanted so badly to tuck it behind her ear and tell her everything is gonna be okay.

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