Chapter 5: Keevs Kate

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It has been a week since the liberation of Ad Victoria. Troy has been recruiting soldiers for his campaign on the closest planet, Keevs Kate. The birth planet of the Chaos lord Kamarcus, who casted the world into the deepest pits of hell. It has rebuilt, but is a hangout spot for Chaos worshippers and the infamous cult the children of seventy-six who worship the most evil man ever Entity Seventy-six, who died 128 years ago in 2320 by the hands of Tom Daniels the third great grandfather, Tom Daniels the second. Most still believe Keevs Kate is a dangerous place, are they right?

It’s night on Ad Victoria, Tom sits on a balcony in the governors estate. It overlooks the city, a nice view of the night sky. He smokes a cigarette as he watches the sky. No ships have left or entered since the Liberation. He takes a puff of the cigarette, a man steps behind him. Tom looks behind him to see Robard with a bottle of old Xen whiskey. “Mind if I sit with ya’,” Robard asks. “Sure, aslong as I get some whiskey.” He says as Robard takes a seat beside him. “Here.” Robard passes the whiskey to Tom. Tom takes a swig from it then passes it back. “So when’ll we march on Keevs Kate?” Tom asks. Robard stops halfway through his sip. “Kix said he’ll scout ahead, Keevs Kate isn’t the top of the Alliances priority.” Robard chuckles. “I trust him, he’s a good warrior, and he’s good with words.” Tom puffs the cigarette. “That’s what I heard, he seems distant though.” Robard says. “Probaly because of his wife, she didn’t go with him, she’s the general of the scouts.” Tom says. “Damn really?” Robard asks. “Yep, she’s an alliance sympathizer.” Tom says. “Must suck,” Robard says. “How’s that wound doing?” Tom asks about Robard’s bullet wound. “I’ll be fine soon, still hurts.” Robard says. “Must be hurtin’,” Tom says, Robard is silent, Tom looks to him. Robard looks at the sky. Tom glances to the sky. “A ship?” Tom says as they look at a smuggler ship landing near the estate.
Troy, Tom and Robard walk out into the courtyard. They aim guns at the opening doors. Talio and Florence walk out. Talio has his hands up as to signal he’s safe. “Talio!” Troy smiles. “Knew you wouldn’t be gone long.” Troy shakes his hand. “Were you followed?” Tom asks. “No, we hired a smuggler.” Talio says. The ship begins to take off and leave. “Who’s this?” Troy asks looking at Florence. “Florence Napoleon of Clan Napoleon.” Florence shakes Troy’s hand. “Better be ready for work.” Troy says. “Don’t worry for me, soon members of the clan will join with us, we want a better galaxy.” Florence says. “Well come in, we have food and beds.” Troy and the crew begin to walk in.

Talio and Florence fill their stomachs with all sorts of food. Chicken, nice soda, wine, they haven’t had good food since they were arrested. That night they slept on nice beds. Beds built for the rich. A luxury that they haven't had in a long time.

In the morning Talio and Florence wake up earlier than the rest. They pick through the armory for their gear. As they walk out they see Marcus and Kix. Talio smiles, “Kix! Marcus!” He says as walks to them. “Talio, you’re back?” Marcus says, “Welcome back.” Kix shakes his hand. “We came back late last night.” Florence says. “Who are you?” Marcus asks. “Florence Napoleon of Clan Napoleon.” He says. “Son of Ashwarwi?” Marcus asks. “Yes, is your sister Francesca?” Florence asks. “Yeah, did you see her?” Marcus asks. “Did you?” Kix chimes in. “Yeah, she looked stressed, only saw her for a minute or two.” Florence says. “Where are you about to go?” Talio asks. “I’m going to a bar, Kix is about to head over to Keevs Kate.” Marcus says. “Well good luck Kix.” Talio says. “We have to gear up for work duties.” He finishes. “Goodbye for now.” Kix and Marcus leave. “C’mon Florence.” The other two leave.

Troy and Tom train a group of recruits. They are doing good, Florence and Talio walk out. “Is there anything we can do Troy?” Talio asks. “Yes, this man here thinks he can take Florence on in a fight.” Troy points a bigger built man out. “Let’s see then.” Florence takes pistols out of his holsters. The other trainees begin to cheer. The two stand across from each other about ten feet. Troy smirks “3…2…1!” The man charges at Florence. Florence quickly grabs him by his waist. He begins to lift him over his head with ease. The trainees begin to laugh and cheer. Florence throws the man on the floor then places his foot on their chest. “Y-you- won…” The man says inbetween breaths. Florence laughs as he walks back to Talio, “Back in formation!” Troy orders the recruits. Talio and Florence step back, “That was impressive.” Talio laughs. “Not in the slightest, back on Kathan Prime we lift ten times that. Plus, I had to humble him.” He laughs.

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