My Cutie Pie-Mark Knopfler

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A/N: This first story is taken from a rock and roll imagines that I wrote as well. Go check it out.

It was mid year of 1987 and you have just gotten a new job. You had always dreamed of working behind the scenes of television and moved to London at the same time Europe got its MTV channel. You had seen that they were hiring and applied. They called you back the next day saying that you got it and that they would have their first show on August 1st. This was more then you could ever ask for. You woke early the morning of Monday, July 27 to get ready. You wanted to make the best impression that you could. You realized as you were getting ready that you didn't know who would be playing. You brushed it off as you went down the stair and headed out the car. It was a 15 minute drive. You got there and headed through the studio to your bosses office. You knocked and head someone call "come in". You pushed open the door and saw 5 people in the room. You assumed that the one sitting behind the desk was your boss. He was a middle aged man, quite plain. He finished telling the small man next to him his order, sending him out after. "You must be Y/N" You smiled politely before answering yes. He stood up and shook your hand. "Just in time too. These are the gentlemen that will be performing today." He gestured to the three other men sitting on the couches. Two stood, offering you their hands. "Nice to meet ya'. I'm Pick, this here is John," John shook your hand, "and that is Mark." he said pointing to the man still on the couch. You smiled again. "It's all very nice to meet you." Your new boss moved you away from the short man named Pick and began speaking to you again. "Y/N, I hope you are ready for your task." You nodded. "Alright," he sighed. "You will be advising the band today." A smile grew on your face. Advising a band. The two of you walked back to the men. "Yes, so show her your dressing rooms are and remember, be out to the stage at 5." Pick nodded and opened the door for you, bowing a hand out for you to walk through. Once out the door you waited for the others to come out. The man named Mark was last. While Pick and John had stopped next to you, Mark kept on walking. You scoffed at him. "Don't let him bother you" John said. You looked up at him and realized for the first time how tall he was. You were not a short person (or maybe you are) but he towered over you.

When you all got to the room, Mark was already sitting on the couch, plucking notes on his guitar. Pick offered you a seat on the opposite couch with you politely took. He sat down next to you, while John took a seat next to Mark. There was a moment of silence before Pick started swinging his arms and clapping nervously. "Soooo, you'll be kind of advising us then" he said. "Yes" you said smiling awkwardly. Pick jumped up, pulling you along with him. "Let me show you the rest of the building." He dragged you out the door and did just as he said.

The next day, you arrived the same time. You said hi to some of your new coworkers that you met yesterday and headed to the guys dressing room. As you entered, John handed you a coffee. "I didn't know what kind you liked so I just guesses." You laughed at the man's sweetness and leaned against the table. John sat down in a tall chair. Pick was on one of the couches asleep. Mark was on the other, writing very fast in a notebook. You sighed quite loudly before speaking, "so, I think we better start practicing for the performance Saturday. "But we know it by heart luv." Pick said with his eyes closed. You smiled. "You might, but it's still good to practice. How about we start at about 1 and end around 4?" "We have a lunch at 1." You looked over at Mark who was still writing in the notebook, but it was him who had spoke. For the first time you realized. "ok, then how about starting at 2 and ending at 5?" John nodded. Mark did not do anything. "Alright, 2 to 5 then. Be there. I have to go work on some paperwork."

You left at about 11:40, driving to a small cafe. One of your best friends was in London on a business trip and you two had scheduled to meet for lunch. As you walked in you saw her, waving and walking her way. You took a seat and she started talking immediately. "You are working in tv?! What is it?" "It's just a MTV channel here." She gasped "MTV! Y/N do you realized how big that it?" You nodded. "Ok ok, so tell me who you are working with?" "Well it's a band called Dire Straits" "oh I've heard of them. What are they like?" A smile crept up to your face. "Well there is Pick, he is very loud and very enthusiastic. John, he's real sweet and I think a little shy." You frowned. "And then there's Mark. I honestly don't know what his problem is. He has said one thing to me and it was just a complaint." "Well sweetie, maybe he just has a problem with authority." You made a face at the words. You spent the rest of the lunch taking about work, family, and old memories. After your friend suggested that you two go shopping which you accepted. Hours later, you looked at your watch. 1:57. "Shit" you gasped. You friend turned to you. "What is it?" You grabbed her arm hurrying her towards your car. "I told them to be there at 2. I'm going to be late." "oh gosh sweetie, go" You smiled at her and threw you bags into the car.

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