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"Lando already announced your with someone so might as well say it's me"he huffed

"Fine I guess I can post it I just don't want the media to get to you or me"I went to instagram and started on the post and typed out everything.

"Fine I guess I can post it I just don't want the media to get to you or me"I went to instagram and started on the post and typed out everything

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Eliana_4-As many of you have heard I'm dating Someone so I figured I'd make a post and clear some things up. Yes I am best friends with Lando still nothing changed I still love him to the moon and back. But back on to topic I am dating Logan Sargent and I have been for around 5 months after Lando introduced us. I hope this cleared some things up and stay safe everyone.

"You posted it wow that's a step for you" Logan acted surprised like he wasn't the one to told me.

Our relationship wasn't on the best terms as of now. He hated Lando and how much is spent time with him, I know he is toxic Riley has told me that so many times but I can't leave him. It's not easy for me I've always had a fear of people leaving and in return I hated leaving people.
Later that night

"I'm going to see Riley" Cheering lauding so that Logan could hear over his stream.

"Is Lando gonna be there"his hushed and arrogant tone gave away that he clearly didn't want me to go.

"No it's just girls night me and Ri that's it" the lie came straight though my lips like it was natural.

I didn't know what I did this time but I knew he was pissed. This is supposed to be my night the night of my 21st birthday of corse Logan didn't remember though. I didn't however get as much backlash on my insta as I though I would a lot of people saying me and Lando would be better but I chose to keep walking to my two brunette best friends waiting at the club for me.

"Another round it's this pretty girls birthday"Lando screamed at the bar tender.

It was just me and him now, our best friends walked away he long dark hair swaying as she and Carlos danced the night away and Carlos screamed to smooth operator.

Me and Lando had a ton to drink and I end up posting pictures of me,him and Riley all together at the club. I should've known better because it wasn't long before I got a call from Logan.

"ELIANA WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" his scream echoed in my ear.

"Chill out I'm at the club I told you I was hanging with Ri" I tried to speak quietly but it was clear Lando could hear everything.

"He's there" his tense tone made me shiver.

"Riley surprised me him and Carlos ate both her"I lied again damn I'm getting good at this.

"You're 20 why are you at a club" he's lecturing me like my dad would expect he's not even this hard on me.

"It's my 21st birthday but obviously you don't remember" I hung up straight away not wanted to hear another word just drinking my pain and sorrow away...

that's chapter 2 I hope you liked it I'm trying my best to make it good for you guys. And clearly there is some problems starting to form in Logan and Eliana's relationship and it's all down hill from here for it....... Nothing against Logan the way he acts is just for the purposes of the story. Also I don't proof read so feel free to point out mistakes:)

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