Sickly twisted

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Adelia Blackwood,
June 16th 1810

Hello, I'm Adelia Blackwood, I've never kept a journal but decided to start. It was my twentieth birthday yesterday, a lot happened, allow me to walk you through it.

I woke up at 7:30 am, like always. My dark wavy, almost, curly hair, was a mess, it took nearly ten minutes to brush and then another fifteen minutes to put it up. I adore my long hair but dislike how much of a hassle it is. It was 8:30 by the time I was finally ready to go join my family for breakfast, I wasn't hungry nor did I plan on eating but my presence was expected. Lately, I had taken to spending most of my mornings in bed waiting for someone to drag me out of the dimly lit dungeon that I trapped myself in.

Breakfast was the same as always, nothing special to mention there I won't bore you with the details. On the other hand, I will go into depth on the conversation I had with my father.

"Adelia, darling, so good of you to join us," my father started looking severe per usual, "There's another bright young man interested in you,"

"He's quite handsome," added Genevieve, my younger sister.

"Oh really Genevieve?" I said feigning enthusiasm, to make her smile. "Hopefully he has a handsome attitude to match." I smiled at her, taking my seat at the table, while my father looked at me disapprovingly. I knew he hated it when I made comments like this. He shared the common mindset that women should be seen and not heard.

"Adelia, this is no joking matter. You are at the age where some girls are getting married, and you have yet to even have a courtship." Father said sternly as if I said I was going to live alone for the rest of my life. "Please tell me you at least have an interest in marriage."

"Father, it's not that I have a lack of interest in marriage, I simply want someone different." I pleaded with him.

"Different might not arrive, you're going to need to settle"

"I'm willing to settle on some things, this is sadly not one of them"

"At least give the young man a chance, you need to find someone soon before you end up old and alone."

"I'll give him a chance, but I make no promises to like him."

"I would never expect you to, but he is quite wealthy and he would be able to provide for you"

"I understand the importance of that, father."

The conversation became fairly normal after that, bouncing around different topics. Father had one of the servants fetch the newspaper, once he had begun to read it, his expression dropped. It was another mysterious death, this time not far from us. No one knew who or what was behind them.

Bodies found drained of blood and mutilated, it looked like an animal attack but no animal could have done it. People suspected it was the work of the un-dead, utter nonsense in my opinion. Vampires aren't real. End of story. No matter how much my father swore they were.

"Another one was found?" I asked him cautiously, he had a look of disgust mixed with worry and anger.

"It appears so," He answered with a clenched jaw "Someone needs to do something about it. Only a sickly twisted person could do this."


Author's note: Hiiii i know this is kinda short but i don't know what else to put in here so hopefully the next part will be longer and better! Hope you enjoyed this, -Bees

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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