1. Will you Marry Me?

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Arm: "Pete do you remember I told you about some arrogant senior gang?"

Yes, he told me about the senior gang which always skip class and bully some juniors and Arm warn me to not even went near them. But now we are playing in park near my home why he asked this unwanted question.

Pete: "I remember and I won't go near them" then I turned to Pol "You already played this swing for 50 times it's my time I want to play"

Pol jumped down and let me play. Arm come near me and pointed one direction and said "They are the seniors"

I want to play but he annoying me so I annoyingly turned and look at them... The moment I saw someone in the gang I stopped playing and jump down from the swing. He looked very handsome very very handsome.

My feet run near him without knowing and I can hear Arm yelling but I don't care I want to talk to him the handsome boy I ever scene. He wears black jacket black jean and his earring wow... My heart beat raised when I run near him and I stopped infront of him and panting for air.

"What kid why are you running?" one of his friends asked.

"Phi what's his name" I ignored his question and asked him pointed out the handsome man infront of me. His friends are giggled but the handsome one didn't show any expression he just stare at me.

"Kinn he just ignored you.... Hahahaha....." another one of his friends told and turned to me "Why you want to know his name? Don't you want to know our names" I looked at his he is no handsome as my man so I ignored him also.

"What's your name?" I asked straight to the handsome man. Now the first man smiled and speak "See he is only interested in Vegas so I'm not the one got dumped you also got dumped you idiot nop"

From their conversation I know the handsome man's name is Vegas so I took one step forward again "Will you marry me Vegas?" "Huh?" "Huh?" I can hear his friend's reaction but Vegas didn't even change his expression and he just walk past me. What happening maybe he didn't hear me right so I asked him again with my high voice "Will YOU MARRY ME VEGAS?" suddenly he stopped and I smiled and run infront of him again.

"Answer me Vegas" I demanded "What's your age?" he asked with plain face but his voice is mesmerizing me.

"10 years" I answered his friends are smiled "What did I make any joke?" I asked with serious expression and Vegas chucked this is the first expression I got from him so I smiled again like a fool.

"Do you know how old I'm?" why he only asking me questions but it's ok he spoke to me right!...

"I don't know..." I pout and asked him again "Tell me how old are you?" his friends smiled loudly and got death glare form me AM I JOKE TO THEM I screamed inside.

"You are a kid and I'm just 14 not even I'm major" I didn't let him finish "So...?" I asked like questioning way

He let out heavy breath then half sit infront of me to match my height "When you grow up then come and ask me, I will answer" I silent for a minute the asked him "How can I know I'm grown up" again he let out huge breath "When you become 18 you are grown up"

So, I took my fingers to calculate now I'm 10 and he is 14 so when I'm 18 he will be ... Hmm...Hmmm... "When I'm 18 you are 22, right?" I asked him excitedly and he nodded then he went to his normal position.

"Wow Vegas you already have a marriage proposal from a kid" his friends teased him and Vegas didn't react.

"Then you promise me you will meet me every year this day here" I asked.

"Why?" his friend kinn asked and I remember his name when nop teased him.

"Phi kinn are you dump? Today I proposed him so every year this day we will celebrate our anniversary like we celebrate our birthdays. And when I'm 18 I will propose the same day as now." I said with smile. I saw Vegas smirk and he stare at me I got shy.

"Ohhh ok ok then you should promise him Vegas" phi kinn told Vegas but he ignored him and turned to phi nop "It's already late we should go home now" I become sad he didn't promise me yet.

"Vegas you should promise me first" I showed him pinkey finger to promise but he smirked at me and went to the car which is waiting for him and his friends. His friends saw me and smiled like teasing me. I'm really sad and Arm come to me and shake my arms.

"Ai Pete what did you do he is not a good boy" I turned to him "Did he do anything bad to you?" he shake his heads and said "No"

"Then why are you calling him a bad boy don't do this to anyone Arm" I warned him. He nodded.

"Shall we continue play?" Pol asked and yes, I want to play so we continued play until our parents come and pick us. My mom come to pick me.

"How is your day sweetheart" ma asked me "Very good ma I enjoy the day" I smiled widely remember Vegas face.

"Pete lilly will sleep with you today. Uncle and Aunty going out for some businesses are you okay with that?" she asked me and yes of course I like my cousin so much why should I reject.

"Yes, ma we will play till we sleep" I said joyfully and we comeback home and lilly waiting for me. When she saw me, she come and hugged me affectionately she loving me like his own brother and I'm also she is only 8 years old and a good chubby girl I like to pinch her cheeks.

Ma gave some snacks for us we both went to play room. "Phi I like this room very much I want to sleep here with toys and you" I patted his head and nodded.

"Phi, do you know when I told my pa that I like your playroom he said he will give this room to me." I smiled at her and said "No need to ask your pa lilly if you want you can take this room and whatever you want, I can give it to you" I paused then continue "But not Vegas he is mine."

This is the first time I said to her something I can't give to her because I don't want to give Vegas to anyone.

"Phi who is Vegas" she asked confusedly. "The person I'm going to marry" I said with shy. She starts to cry OH MY GOD WHY SHE CRYING.

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