9. I want to take him home

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Vegas removed his helmet he is ready to show his face to Pete. And there he saw Pete reaction clearly.

"How dare you to follow us bastard I will teach you lesson...." Porsche yelling at Vegas nonstop but it doesn't affect Vegas even a little bit, he just jumped from his bike and called Pete.

"PETE COME HERE" but Pete didn't move a bit and Porsche saw Vegas and Pete alternatively then yelled again.

"Who are you? How dare you calling my baby? Do you think he is a dog or a cat if you call him like that, he will wave his tail and follow your orders" When Vegas hearing Porsche called Pete as baby, he become so much angry.

"PETE COME HERE NOW DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT" Vegas called Pete again.

Porsche smiled "Do you think my baby will come to youuu....." and he notice Vegas smirk so turned to see Pete who is stepping towards Vegas.

Suddenly, Porsche grabbed Pere wrist to get Pete back to his sense. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING BABY?" Porsche shouted at Pete.

Pete is ready to open his mouth but his other hand grabbed by Vegas in no time. "He already chosen me so get your fucking hands off from Pete." They are ready to beat each other anytime soon.

"Baby who is this, you know him?" Porsche asked Pete. Pete bit his lip he doesn't know how to answer because he didn't come out from the shock yet.

"Damn I'm going to kill you if you call him baby again one more time" Vegas sneered. Now Pete has to say something or they both will kill each other.

So, Pete looked at Porsche and get his attention by calling his name "Porsche...." When Vegas heard this name, it reminded him someone name but he thought it can't be true. "Porsche he is my senior" Pete finish his sentence and Vegas remove his hands from Pete wrist "Just a senior?" Vegas asked to Pete.

Pete turned to see Vegas and then they heard someone shouting "Which fucker followed my boyfri....... Vegas what are you doing here?" Kinn who come to rescue his boyfriend shocked to see Vegas.

When Pete heard kinn voice turn to see him and "PETE!!!!" Kinn screamed. Porsche don't have any clue how his boyfriend knew them.

"Is this your stupid boyfriend?" Vegas pointed out Porsche "He is not stupid he is just hyperactive I told you already and what the fuck are you do here with my boyfriend?" kinn asked.

"What the hell happening here how do you know that bastard and my baby?" Porsche asked kinn.

"Who the hell is your baby?" Kinn asked with anger. "Here he is my baby" Porsche pointed out Pete.

Pete just simply witnesses what he seeing and he see nop also come with kinn. He also looked shock.

"Hey all please calm down I think we should go in and talk I will book VIP room for us just get in and talk" Said nop and proceed to book a room.

Porsche saw Pete and Vegas alternatively they looked like lost their own world so Porsche has to shout at Pete. "Come with me" said and dragged Pete inside the club. Vegas clench his fist but kinn come and hold him "Just give me a second I will clear the misunderstanding" Kinn said.

"How your boyfriend is with Pete and why you are not aware of it?" Vegas asked sensible question to kinn.

"Just give me a sec please" kinn pleaded and Vegas calm down himself before go inside the bar.

They all sat in the round table. Pete looking at Vegas deeply Vegas also did the same. They come to their senses when kinn start to question Porsche

"How do you know Pete and why didn't you tell me about him?"

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