nsfw | get upstairs - hangman serisin

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Prompt 8: "Get your ass upstairs and on that bed."

Warnings: dom!hangman , sub!reader , degrading , daddy kink , spanking , thigh riding


You know what's coming to you.

You've known the whole night. Since noon, you've been teasing Hangman in front of his friends and strangers. He's whispered threats to you, but you simply brushed them off with a smirk. Now, the two of you are going home, and Hangman's hand is on your thigh, keeping your legs open. Once you pull into the driveway of your shared home, Hangman's grip tightens. "Do you think it was funny to tease me all day?" He asks.

You shrug. "Listen to me," Hangman orders. You can't bring yourself to look at him, so he grabs your chin and turns your head. "Get your ass upstairs and on that bed."

"Or what?" You taunt. Hangman chuckles darkly and shakes his head.

"Oh, honey, you don't wanna know 'or what'." He says. Then, he lets go of your chin. "I'll give you three minutes to get upstairs and take off all your clothes, or I will bend you over my knee and make sure you can't sit down for a week. Do I make myself clear?"

You nod. "Say it." He says.

"Yes, daddy." You say. Hangman nods.

"Good." He says. "Now get inside." You get out of his truck and rush inside. You get upstairs to your bedroom and take off your dress and shoes, but you leave your panties on, wanting to tease Hangman further.

You hear him walking down the hallway and the bedroom door opens. When he sees you still wearing your panties, he scoffs. "I thought I told you to be naked, honey." He says. You shrug.

"I don't know, I didn't hear you say that." You tease. Hangman walks up to you and towers over you, his eyes filled with lust.

"Don't test me, honey." Hangman says darkly. "You want me to bend you over my knee?"

You shrug. Hangman raises an eyebrow and you immediately shake your head. "That's what I fucking thought. Now, take your panties off." He orders. You slowly take off your panties and discard them on the floor. Hangman walks past you and sits down on the bed. Then, he pats his lap. "Lay over my lap, honey."

You whine and slowly walk over to him. "Don't do that." He tells you. "You brought this onto yourself." You lay down over his lap and his hand rubs over your bare ass. "How many, honey?"

"I don't know," You whimper.

"How about we just do five?" Hangman suggests making you nod. Silence fills the room until his hand lands on your ass. You whimper. "Count them for me, baby."

"One." You whimper. His hand comes down again, and you almost forget to count.

"If you don't count, we'll start all over again." Hangman says.

"Two." You say. Three more hits later and Hangman sits you back up so you're straddling his thigh. You grind down on his thigh and let out a moan.

"Yeah, baby? You gonna get off on my thigh?" He asks as his hands find your hips. He gently rocks you back and forth. You let out a moan and he smirks. "Look at you, getting off on my thigh like a depraved slut. You'd think I'd never touched you before with the sounds you're makin', honey."

And he's right. He knows it. You know it. But you don't think about that. All you can think about is the knot forming in your stomach. "You close, honey?" Hangman asks. You nod. "Use your words, baby."

"Yes, daddy, I'm so fucking close." You whimper.

"Cum on my thigh, baby." Hangman orders. And at his orders, you release on his thigh. He rubs his hand in circles on your back and begins to pepper kisses from your neck up to your face. "Such a good girl, baby." He praises. "Did such a good job for me."

He lays you down on the bed and you go red with embarrassment when you see the mess you made on his jeans. Hangman chuckles and kisses your nose. "I love you, baby."

"Love you too, Jakey." You smile.

A/n: Ok, so, I've been watching so many interviews with Greg Tarzan Davis (the guy who plays Coyote), and I'm going to start doing Coyote imagines in this book now!

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