hot meeting

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it was a beautiful june day, the sun was beaming down it's warm rays, the sweet smell of blossoming flowers filled the air with its sweet scent. this story takes place at an ordinary bus stop. satoru was walking to the bus stop when he suddenly tripped on a pebble and scraped his hand "ouch" satoru winced. hitoshi, a nearby passerby had happened to see the scene. satoru looked up to see a beautiful angel with skin of an angel and blue luscious locks with the suns soft rays perfecting hitting his facial features. "are you okay?" questioned hitoshi. satoru gazed up at hitoshi pausing for a second admiring his beauty. "are you just gonna sit there and stare at me?" said hitoshi. "oh sorry" satoru apologized. hitoshi let out a hand and helped satoru up with a warm smile. "my names hitoshi" wow what a beautiful name thought satoru. "my names satoru" they both smiled at each other blushing "well id better get going" said satoru whilst looking away and visibly blushing "yeah i'd better get going too, i'll see you" said hitoshi

a few days had passed and the only thing that's been on satorus mind was that handsome guy at the bus stop, the memory playing through his mind over and over. satoru wanted to clear his mind so he decided to take a walk to the library. the walk wasn't too far from his house and the sights on the way are beautiful, the library is located near a flower field which makes the library a popular spot to read outside. satoru arrived in the library and started looking around for the perfect book. he started in the fiction section when he accidentally bumped into a familiar face. it was the guy from the bus stop! "oh hi, it's you again!" said satoru with high hopes in is heart "i was hoping i would bump into you again.. i mean what?" said hitoshi "i was thinking the same thing!" said satoru. hitoshi looked down at satorus arms and saw his favorite book titled, the story of spermdonor69 "oh wow that's my favorite book in the whole world! you're making the right choice checking out the book, the ending made me cry when deez killed joemama" exclaimed hitoshi "aw man you spoiled the ending for me" said satoru in a sad tone "oh no, i didn't mean to i just really like that book" hitoshi said with a frown. satoru said "we'll do you wanna read it together with me? we can sit by the flower field and take turns reading it" hitoshi smiled "of course, i would love to do that with you!"

they made their way outside and found a perfect spot near a tree for some shade. satoru began to read it "the story of spermdonor69, a tale of happiness and a tale of sadness." and within a blink of an eye, it had already been 2 hours, the sun starting to set under the vibrant colors of the flowers. as satoru began to read the last sentence of the book, the sun disappeared under the hill, the moonlight shining on the city. satoru began to cry. "that ending was so beautiful, i had never read such a heartthrobing book" hitoshi put his hand on satorus back "don't cry, it pains me to see you sad" satoru and hitoshi exchanged numbers "well i'll be seeing you, hitoshi" said satoru with a smile. they parted ways and they both walked home. satoru soon drifted off to sleep, his only thought that night was hitoshi.

the morning came and the warm sun popped up from behind the deep green mountains. the morning rays were beaming through satorus curtains. satoru got up and got himself ready, when he suddenly got a text message from hitoshi reading "hey do you wanna go out with me to a restaurant today at 12?" satoru was extremely happy, he replied with yes with a big smile on his face. satoru thought to himself "wait does this mean he asked me on a date?" satoru blushed at the thought. fast forward 2 hours, satoru drove himself to the restaurant they were supposed to meet at, and satoru spotted hitoshi waving to him with a warm smile. they greeted each other and sat down at a table. "so, what made you want to meet me?" questioned satoru. hitoshi replied with "well, i just really like your vibe and i want to become even greater friends with you. satoru let out a soft smile thinking about the future that awaits them. from that day on, satoru and hitoshi became the bestest of friends doing everything together, the whole entire town agrees that we were meant for each other, we have the same interests, taste in music, favorite foods and we even share the same birthday.

a few years pass and hitoshi and satoru are the greatest friends, meeting almost everyday, but one day, hitoshi and satoru meet at a place that is known for confessing to your crush. the legend in their town is that if you confess to your crush near a certain landmark, your crush will most certainly say yes. so when hitoshi wanted to meet satoru there, it aroused satorus thoughts. was today the day that they were going to take their friendship to another level? satoru was completely ready for it but at the same time he also wasn't. when satoru arrived, he saw hitoshi with a bouquet of flowers, satorus beat started to beat and he started to sweat. satoru walked up to hitoshi and asked him "uhm so..." when he was interrupted by hitoshi asking him, "satoru, i have loved you so much since the day we met and i love every bit about you, the way that you smile, the way you laugh, the way you joke around with me. i just can't get enough, when we met for the first time at the bus stop i knew you were the one. so satoru, would you please, be my boyfriend?" satoru started to burst into tears of joy. "what's wrong satoru?" hitoshi asked. "i've just been waiting for this moment the day we met, i love you so much, and i would love to be your boyfriend!" satoru said while holding back his tears. they knew what was going to happen next, they both leaned in for a kiss and it was magical, it was like the world stopped spinning for just a second, it was like time stopped.

satoru and hitoshi live a long life together, being the most cutest couple in the whole town, they cherished every moment with each other and they never fought, or had gotten mad at each other, and they live a quiet, peaceful life together. the end.

then satoru gets hit by a fucking bus and dies RIP BOZO!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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