Forever (Bel x Mammon): 1

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Varia castle

It's been five years since we lost Mammon, many  things have changed as well as the people.But there still one person who remains the same despite all these changes. 'Bel' still could not move on, he is still holding on to the hope that Mammon would return someday. Every varia executors are being low key about that tragic event five years ago. Which cause them to lost Mammon forever as for Bel, he lost his lover forever with no chance of reunion. Despite all of these he is still able to maintain his postures and be himself once again even if it takes time. Behaving like that, everyone thinks that his is fully recover from the cruel mental illness not knowing he still couldn't move one but act like he could. The first person who recognized that he is still resented himself was Fran the new Mist guardian of varia. He joined varia three months later after Mammon's death. At first Bel and Fran were enemies, Bel couldn't bear the thought of Fran became a substitute for Mammon even it just the position . He make a big fuss about it but it couldn't change anything so he gave him a frog design hat to at least remind him of Mammon.

"Captain, I have to wear this hat until when?" Asked Fran.

"Maybe...forever? At least wear it when you're with Bel" Without a word Squalo knew that the frog design hat was to show that Mammon is still with him even though it's just fantasma' model hat.

"So, it means he wouldn't be able to move on for the rest of his life?" Fran let out a heavy sigh before he continued "l'm kinda pity him, Mammon senpei was the one who died but the one who's hurting is Bel senpei . I bet it's true after all."

"What is?"

"The saying. I heard that the one whose left they weren't just left but also left the pain for those who are living too." Fran answered him unfazed.


"Well, I guess the saying do have some truths in them after all."

"I don't mind being a substitute but even if I were to wear this hat, it wouldn't change the fact that Mammon senpei is dead. And Bel senpei knows it too, he always do but he just doesn't want to except it." Fran said facts outright with his usual poker face.

Squalo didn't answer because he also knew that all of this is just a pretend family game – well it doesn't seems like a family to begin with but at least it is similar of some sorts. Everyone in varia knew it all along but still agree to play this pretend game with Bel.

"Just do so and don't asked anything because I am not capable of answering that either. At least don't let Bel be miserable like that again." Their conversation ended like that.

"Ah...yeah, got it" the frog head boy replied with his usual monotone.


One week later

"Hmmm~ Bel senpei~ I'm just curious but are you really going to buy the whole portion of cake?" Asked Fran.

"Why not?" He replied like it was normal.

"Well, none of the varias like cake so are you gonna eat that up by yourself?"

"So what? It's none of your business so don't butt in. And even if you want to I won't let you eat it even if it's just one bite."

"As if I want to."

"What did you just say, you brat?!"

"Well, I won't butt in if it's not my money that's paying for that whole portion of cake and not even a single bite for me."

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