A winters night

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A winters night – Mirabel x Miguel

AN: Hello my lovelies and welcome back to another one shot this time this is a winter date between Mirabel and Miguel would be absolutely adorable especially since Miguel is So persistent on getting Mirabel to stay over. Another thing it is winter where I live and it is freezing.

As Disclaimer : This has the song baby it's cold outside by Idina Menzel and Michael Bublé I was so inspired.I do not own the song I just thought it was very cute and this song suits  them so much also there is some lyrics changed to fit the context.

So enjoy


Miguel and Mirabel were nice and warm by the fire sharing and enjoying stories and each other's company, Miguel looked into Maribel 's eyes wondering how he got so lucky just wanting to keep her to himself even for just the night. Just then Mirabel looked at the clock and realised that she had better get home before dinner otherwise her Mamá would kill her.

"I  hate to cut it short Mi Amor but I have to get home to dinner otherwise Mamá would kill me". Mirabel stated

"Really?" Miguel coaxed his head

"Si". She nodded

"Why can't you stay the night darling that's all I ask". Miguel whined

"I wish I could but you know my family my love they are going to be asking questions  and I mean a LOT of questions, especially My Tio Bruno and sisters and you know how they are". Mirabel explains

"You know you could send them a note then we can spend the rest of the night just the two of us". Miguel said whilst starting to press kisses against Mira's neck.

Mirabel tried NOT to give in but it was impossible she was trying to bit her lip to keep from moaning and screaming. She then pushed him away and started picking up her things and heading for the door.

"As Tempting as  it is Musico I'd prefer not to face the wrath of my family, as much as I'd love too". She smiled

"You know it'll take you ages to get back plus the door is outside and it's freezing ". Miguel smiled

"Your just making excuses so I can stay with you aren't you?" She put a hand on her hip

"Is it working?" Miguel asked

"Not a chance". Mirabel laughed

Miguel walked up and spun Mirabel around to prevent her from leaving and she laughed and so did he.


"I really can't stay".


"Amor it's cold outside ".


"I got to go away ".


"Amor it's cold outside".


"This evening has been..."

Miguel :

" I am Hoping that you dropped in".


"So very nice".


A winters nightWhere stories live. Discover now