Burden's of Armor | 022 |

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──❝Burden's of Armor❞──


"It won't be the last we'll see of that man." [Y/n] said, sliding her rifle over her shoulder as she spoke. The riffle dug into her shoulder, but she paid no mind to the discomfort. "At least he's gone for now." Leon nodded in agreement, knowing that their encounter with him was only temporary. "But I have a feeling he'll find a way to resurface sooner or later," said [Y/n], as she adjusted her riffle. Ashley, ever the observant one, noted [Y/n]'s hands, a frown forming on her face. Aware of the hint of concern in her eyes, [Y/n] arched an eyebrow at him. "Something bothering you?" asked [Y/n]. 

"You're hurt," Ashley noted, concern evident in her voice. [Y/n] looked down at her hands, which were covered in scratches and bruises. When did this happen? She must have acquired them during the fight. She nodded, unable to hide the pain that was etched on her face. It was clear that she had been through a rough ordeal. She examined her knuckles, balling them into tight fits, turning her bruised knuckles white. The cuts on [Y/n]'s hands were deep, with blood and small fragments of rock embedded in them. The pain was evident as she clenched her fists, wincing at the sharp sting. "It's not bad. I'm alright." [Y/n] insisted, urging Ashley not to worry. However, the strain in her voice betrayed her true condition. 

[Y/n] listened intently to the gentle rhythms of Leon's grunts echoing from the balcony, where he successfully maneuvered the lever to raise the bridge to its highest level. "Everything alright, down there?" Leon's concerned voice broke the silence. [Y/n] cast a fleeting glance at his face, noticing the subtle softening of his eyes. Even in his weariness—shared by everyone present—his brow creased with pain and stress, but there was an undeniable handsomeness that still captivated [Y/n]. A warm flush spread across [Y/n]'s face in response to his gaze. "Leon, do you think you can clean [Y/n]'s hand?" Ashley asked, gesturing towards the bloodied hand of [Y/n]. "I think it needs some attention before it gets infected," she added, concern evident in her voice. "Hang on." Leon paused for a moment, his gaze lingering on [Y/n]'s flushed face before he nodded. "Sure, I'll take care of it," he replied, making his way down to them. 

Ashley steps back, allowing Leon to work on [Y/n]'s wounds. "Come on, it's just a scratch. I'll still be able to shoot." Leon chuckles softly, appreciating [Y/n]'s determination. "I admire your resilience, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Let me patch you up properly." [Y/n] sighed, but nevertheless relented and allowed Leon to tend to her hands. Leon inspected her hand before taking out a first aid spray from his pocket and spraying it onto her wound. The cool mist provided instant relief, numbing the pain. Leon carefully wrapped a bandage around her hand, ensuring it was secure. "There you go, all patched up," he said with a smile. "Thank you," [Y/n] replied with a close-eyed smile as she flexed her newly bandaged hand. 

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