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Everyone finished eating lunch when it was 1 PM. The family of carabaos left 15 minutes earlier, and said goodbye to them, especially to Chase.

Nick: so, how was it Chase?
Chase: It was weally gweat! x3
Nick: seems you had some fun 😊 How about everyone else?
Marshall: we enjoyed the moment too, dad :)
Zuma: yeah
Rubble: and the food was delicious too, heh 😅
Rocky: Heh, Rubble... 😏
Rengar: so, wanna go to the zoo?
Zuma: Zoo! I love the zoo! I love animals!
Marshall: me too!
Chase: me thwee! x3
Nick: then hop on the van 😊
Rengar: I'm just gonna pay the bill. Here are the keys (hands over the keys to Nick)

Rengar then went to the counter to pay, while Nick is with the pups and dragon, unlocked the van, and everyone hopped in. Nick started the van up and opened the air conditioner. Minutes later, Rengar got back and hoped in the van on the driver's seat.

Rengar: The crew were very nice 🙂
Nick: People here are really nice
Rengar: yeah. Now, to the zoo we go
The pups and Linon: yeeeaaahhhh!

Rengar then drive everyone to the zoo for about 15 minutes. Rengar parked the van as they arrived, and hopped off to see the zoo. Nick payed for the entrance fee, and a staff stamped on their arms, to show that they have paid for entrance fee.

The pups and Linon then rushed inside with Nick and Rengar to see the animals they could see. They first went inside a room, which was filled with bugs like spiders, beetles, and the like. Rubble was very scared if spiders, so he doesn't want to go inside, and that's when Nick help Rubble's hand and goes inside with him, with Rubble very close to his side.

Chase really enjoyed looking at the bugs, and so do Marshall. Linon was observing the bugs in what they do, and was getting intrigued. Skye, Rocky, and Zuma we're enjoying too.

When they left the room through the other exit, the next thing they saw was a cage with Lions, Tigers, and others. A tiger roared at them, which made Chase and Marshall gasp a little.

They next went to a room with lots of bird cages. They could really hear the sound of birds tweeting to each other. A staff let them experience holding a bird by taking our one, and gave it to the pups.

Staff: Give me your paw

Chase gave his hand and the next thing the staff did was making the bird jump on Chase's paw, which made Chase squeel. The other pups, and Linon experienced doing it too.

They continued in roaming around the zoo for 2 hours, until it was time to go. They left the zoo with everyone satisfied and enjoyed.

Chase: the animals awe awesome!
Zuma: Yeah!
Marshall: I like it how the bird stands in our paw
Linon: and that tiger was so fierce
Chase: heh, it even made me and Marshall scared a little 😅

Skye: So, how was it, boys?
Rubble: I love the things in the zoo! But I don't like the spiders though... 🥺
Rocky: It was really great!

Nick: alright everyone. Our last stop is at the mall, then we'll go back to the hotel for the night and continue tomorrow ☺️
Rengar: onto the magical van! ☺️

Everyone then hopped in the van and went to the mall for 15 minutes again. When they arrived, everyone hopped off the van. Chase was about to go potty, and went in his diaper, making a little blort sound. Nick heard Chase making pushing sounds and went to Chase

Nick: Looks like someone need a change ☺️

Chase made another push, and it made a blort sound.

Nick: Heh. (To Rengar) Hold on Rengar. I'm changing Chase's diaper.

Nick then took a clean diaper from Chase's puppy bag, and some changing supplies. He took off Chase's shorts, unbuttons the onsie, and takes off the messy diaper, cleaning Chase up. He then powdered his genitals, and tapes him up in a clean diaper, buttons his onsie up, and putting back his shorts. Nick then disposed the messy diaper in the trash bag.

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