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The next day came, and the kids in Nicks room woke up at 7:00 AM, while in Rengar's room, they woke up at 7:30 AM. Nick chatted Rengar to get ready before 9 AM.

Everyone then gets ready before the said time. Chase is getting a bit fussy for some reason, when Zuma noticed it.

Zuma: Anything ok, Chase?
Chase: huh? Oh, yeah 😅
Zuma: you suwe?
Chase: Suwe am suwe ^w^
Zuma: ok, If you say so

At exactly 9 AM, everyone went out of their rooms and met up outside. Once everyone is now complete, everyone hopped in the van, as Rengar turns it on, and drove off to their next destination.

Rengar: So, where off to next, Nick?
Nick: I'm not gonna tell cause it's gonna be a surprise for everyone 🤫
Rengar: but, how would I know where to go? 🙁
Nick: just follow these directions

Nick then placed his phone Infront of Rengar

Rengar: (shrugs) if you say so

Rengar then followed the directions to their next destination. While they're at it, Linon's phone rang, probably his parents, but it was actually their friends.

Linon: Chase! Marshall! Our friends are calling!

Linon answered the call and they could see Rant and Ryan (in different screens) laying down on the bed.

Ryan: Hey dudes! 😎
Rant: Hi!! :D :3
Chase: (giggles) Ryan! Rant! :3
Marshall: Hey guys! How are things there?
Ryan: the same old thing
Rant: also, (yawns) what time is it there?
Marshall: it's 9:05 AM here
Rant: Man, more like a 9:05 PM over here, heh 😅
Linon: Kinda slept a little last night, but atleast Incoukd get used to the time here for a while
Marshall: me too, and everyone else too
Ryan: Have a great time dudes 😎
Rant: I think it's bed time for me, heh
Marshall: You too, Ryan. Goodnight Rant
Libon: bye guys
Chase: bye bye :3 Oh! And tell everyone else their little pup is saying hi :3
Ryan: we'll do 😎

Ryan and Rant then ended the call.

Nick: So, you're the "little pup" in school now, huh
Chase: mhm :3
Rocky: Everyone knew you're being a little puppy? :0
Rubble: I guess everyone teased you, huh
Chase: not weally. I mean, at first, yes, but, I started to be more brave and stand up for myself :3
Marshall: and that's how Chase is living right now, do you (rubs Chase's head floof)
Chase: Nyaahhh! x3

Minutes later, they arrived at their destination. As soon as the pups looked through the window, they got excited.

Nick: alright everyone. Hop off ☺️

Everyone then hopped off and all of the pups squeeled in excitement, especially Chase

Chase: Ish a theme pawk!!! ^w^ me wuv theme pawks x3
Nick: Well, let's go :D

Everyone then went inside the theme right after Rengar paid for the entrance fee, which is approximately $12 for all of them.

Once they went inside, they saw a lot of rides like rollercoasters, Ferris wheels, and more.

Literally everyone tried out every ride they would see, though one if them got sick and puked right after the ride, but it was still fun though.

They then looked for some games that they could play. Chase saw a game where they would throw balls at some cup tower. Chase gave it a try, but he missed in his first 2 tries. He tried one more time, but it ended up missing too. He got sad and whined.

Nick: awhhh. Don't worry Chase. Wanna try again?
Chase: mmmmm... Okie

Chase then tried again, hoping that he could do it

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