The Day Finally Ended

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For the whole day, Nivritti had two thoughts on her mind, one Kyung-Soo should never speak about what happened and second, she must come up with an amazing idea to pitch tomorrow. She had a few stupid ideas and a few good ones, she just had to come up with a brilliant one.

She kept raking her brain and kept typing on her system. She could hear Jae-Hwa do the same. She was happy that she was at least trying else she had already given up. She was not even ready to participate because she thought herself to be not up to the mark. As she got the job because of her father, she started believing that she was somehow less talented than everyone else.

Her first day was a disaster but she wanted her second one to be a great one. She needed a win. All kept looking at her as if she was a culprit and she needed to change that. She wanted everyone to treat her like their equal.

The evening arrived and it was time to leave for home.

"Did you get any ideas?" asked Jae-Hwa.

"Some. You?" asked Nivritti.

"Yeah, I have a few ideas, but I don't know if they are good," Jae-Hwa was still sceptical.

"Well, present them tomorrow and let Mr Choi decide," said Nivritti.

"You are right. I am glad I talked to you," said Jae-Hwa, happily.

"I am glad you talked to me. Everyone else has been treating me like a leper," Nivritti was disheartened.

"Give them time. Once they get to know you, they will come around," assured Jae-Hwa, politely.

"I hope so."

"Where are you living? May I give you a lift?" offered Jae-Hwa.

"Oh no! my apartment is nearby. I prefer walking," smiled Nivritti.

"See you tomorrow then," said Jae-Hwa.

"Yes, you will."

"Bye," Jae-Hwa hugged Nivritti.

"Bye," Nivritti too embraced her.

They both broke the embrace and went their separate ways. Nivritti exited the building while Jae-Hwa went to the parking lot for her car. Nivritti started walking towards her house still thinking about ideas that she would present tomorrow. As it was a busy hour, it took her 20 minutes to reach her home as crossing the streets was difficult at that time. There were too many vehicles as everyone from different offices was returning to their homes.

She climbed the stairs of her apartment building, punched in the code of her main door, and entered her house. She hung her bag and overcoat on the hangers by the door and took off her shoes. She sat on the couch with a thud and let her head rest on the couch.

She closed her eyes and relaxed. The day never went the way she hoped. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. She was here to work and live her life peacefully but nothing like that happened. In fact, everything was the opposite, everything was chaotic.

After resting for a while, she went and changed her dress and slipped into comfortable pyjamas. She tied her braided hair in a bun and went into the kitchen. She cooked herself potato curry and rice and went to take a bath.

The pollution of the city was all wiped away. The hot water bath was refreshing. Her mind was at ease now. She tied the towel around her hair and let it soak in all the water from her hair. While the towel did its work, she ate her dinner and washed the dishes.

She took off the towel and placed it on the drying line that was on her balcony. She opened her laptop and started working on ideas. The soothing bath and full stomach were making her drowsy, but she had to work.

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