The Idea

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Kyung-Soo was waiting for his team members to arrive when his phone rang. It was Hu Bong. He realised it was time for the meeting with the script team. He jumped with happiness. He would get to meet her.

"You are happy and here early," a voice commented from behind him.

He turned and saw his team members arriving. He smiled and said, "you guys are late."

"No, we are on time. You never said why are you here early," asked Korain.

"Oh, Hu-ssi called me, he wanted me to attend the meeting with the script team," informed Kyung-Soo.

"You?" Young-Chul was shocked.

"Yeah, sorry, Young. He just said the script team had something special this time. It's about Rencontre," expostulated Kyung-Soo.

"Don't be sorry, I am happy, those meetings are boring AF," laughed Young-Chul.

"Excuse me!" Kyung-Soo was taken aback.

"Yeah, Choi-ssi stands up and speaks and speaks. I fell asleep many times," Young-Chul rolled his eyes.

"Really! Only Choi-ssi speaks?" Kyung-Soo was slowly losing interest in the meeting.

"What do you think? He is the head of the department. He explains everything like a pro," explained Young-Chul. Kyung-Soo closed his eyes and remembered Nivritti's face. He now didn't care about the meeting. He just wanted to look at her again.

"Okay, you guys start with the practice, I will be back soon," said Kyung-Soo and started walking out of the room.

"Okay," said Young-Chul.

Kyung-Soo had no idea if she would be in the meeting. All he knew was that if he went to the script department, he could catch a glimpse of her and that would be enough for him. Excited, he entered the lift and pressed the button for the 11th floor.

He entered the script department and looked around; all were busy with their work. He looked for Nivritti, but she was absent. He was disheartened. The reason he came to the meeting was nowhere to be found. Even the CEO had not arrived.

He thought of waiting for everyone in the conference room. With his head held low, he entered the conference room and his eyes fell on the legs of a girl. They were the same legs. She was not wearing her overcoat now. He saw that she was wearing a blue shirt and white skirt. His eyes fell on her footheels. They were pink and smooth. She was placing some papers on every seat.

He was over the moon, the girl he wanted to talk to was before his eyes that too alone. His heart jumped out of his chest. He had no idea how to start the conversation. There was so much he wanted to talk to her about.

"Ask her name. Ask her name." His inner voice shouted at him. He closed the door behind him, and the girl turned.

She was shocked to see him. For a moment she lost her voice and then asked him what he was doing there.

He tried to be witty and then they had a tiff. He even locked the door so that she could run away from him as she did in the morning, but she scolded him, called him something along the line of a child and ran away from there, again.

"What did she mean by young people? Oh god! I have so many more questions now," said Kyung-Soo as he saw her running away again.

While Kyung-Soo was pondering over what Nivritti said to him, she came out of the conference room and ran to her seat, stealthily. She sat in her seat and grabbed her bottle of water. She sipped and gulped hard. Her heart was racing fast. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

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