Die or die?

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"So do you want to go anywhere Phil?" America asked Philippines

"Hmmm... How about in the field?" Phil asked

"Sure let's go!" America respond

America and Philippines we're walking in the field

With Martial in the Park

Someone Went to Martial

"Who are you?!" Martial Law Shouted while questioning

"Someone" The random person answered while smiling

The person approached Martial Law with a knife in his  hand

"I-" Martial got stabbed with the knife in the stomach

"I-" Martial got stabbed with the knife in the stomach

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With Philippines

Philippines stomach started Bleeding

"AH!" Philippines Shouted

"Philippines are you ok?!" America asked then he saw that his stomach is bleeding "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

Back with Martial

"W-w-who are you?!" Martial asked

"That's not Important honey" The person replied and then the person kicks Martial's head until he feel down

With Philippines

Philippines feel down like he doesn't have life


At the moment Russia was there too

"What happened?!" Russia asked

"Idk! He fell down and started Bleeding!" America answered

"Ok I will call the ambulance" Russia replied
"Master, here's the boy your looking for" said the person

"Perfect." The person replied

"Anything else China?" the person asked

"沒有別的 朝鮮 (Nothing Else North Korea)" China replied

"알았어 그럼 갈게 (Ok then I'll leave)" North Korea respond

Martial's hands are tied up in the roof

"Ughhh-" Martial was awake

"WHERE AM I?!" Martial Shouted

"In somewhere." China answered

"And who the heck are you?" Martial asked

"I'm China." China answered

"現在我已經說出了我的名字,現在請說出你的名字. (Now I've said my name, now say yours)" China replied "Oh I fOrGot YoU cAn'T uNdErStA-"

Philippines and Martial Law Where stories live. Discover now