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y/n's pov:
As I got in to the car I noticed Yonas was staring at me
"What?" I asked
"Nothing, I just want to say that you actually look nice." He replied
We were vibing to our favorite Ethiopian songs in the car and by the time Zora ended we got to his house.
"So who else is there?"
I asked him as I was getting out of the car.
"Uh, Leo and Antonella , Neymar and Bruna, you, me,  Kylian, Achraf , Marco."
He commented
"Oh ok,"
I said relieved knowing that I know everyone who is there even though I haven't really met any of them except Bruna and Anto.

We entered the house and there was a boom of laughter coming from the living room, the guys were playing fifa and one of them accidentally tackled a teammate.  One by one, Yonas started introducing me to them
"Hey guys, this is the friend I was talking about, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Kylian, Achraf and Marco, and Leo is over there with Anto."

"Hello." I replied to each one of them shaking their hands, Kylian signaled for me to sit next to him, and so I sat.
"Hi, how are you?"
He asked me.
"I'm doing good how about you?"
I replied
"I'm doing great, by the way, are you from here? No offense but you have a light accent while speaking English."
He added
"Erm, not really I moved here last year from Seattle, WA and my family is from Ethiopia 🇪🇹"
"African girl, hmm. " he responded
"Yess." I added
"So, do you wanna hang out sometime?"  He asked me.
"Yes why not, I'll give you my number"

thank you for the support I just got to school so I'll add more later.

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