you skip detention together

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You sat at the back of the classroom against the wall admiring Taylor on the other side at the back.

She was the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. Her electric blue eyes we're piercing and so gorgeous.

Suddenly she caught you looking at her. You quickly looked away, looking back at her a second later. She smiled as you blushed.

She chuckled at the sight before writing a note.

She made it into a paper ball throwing it just a second after.

"Hey :)" you read.

"Hi :)" you sent the note back.

"Your pretty"

"Aww thanks, so are you"


You and Taylor sent notes back and forth for a but until you got caught.

"Excuse me girls? Why you passing notes in my class?" Mr. Edmund asked.

You both looked at him and burst into laughter.

"Let me see what they say please" he demanded.

"No" you stated.

"Excuse me?" He looked angry but you didn't care.

"I said no"

"Miss. Swift? May I see them" Sir turned to face Taylor.

"No they're private"

"How private" he scoffed.

"To private for your eyes to see" Taylor gave a sarcastic smiles.

"Right that's detention for you both, stay here at lunch please" Sir said before carrying on with the lessons.

You and Taylor just laughed in silence.


"Everyone except for y/n and Taylor can leave" Mr. Edmund announced.

He shut the door once everyone left and sat at his desk.

"Taylor, please get your foot off the desk"

"No" Taylor said.

"Right then, now girls are you waiting to let me see the notes?"

"No" I said flipping him of.

"Miss. y/l/n" he gasped.

"That's detention for you both again tomorrow lunch"

"That's bullshit" Taylor stood up claiming her hands into the desk.

"Miss. Swift.."

"Y/n, let's go" she cut him of walking over to you and grabbing you by your hand.

You both stormed out.

"Byeee" you you chuckled on the way out.

You ran down the hallway and out of the school climbing over the gates.

You ran to a nearby field that was empty.

"This is my favorite place to visit, it's so beautiful and calm" she confess.

You agreed with her.

"So y/n y/l/n.." She said.

"Yes Taylor Swift?" You both giggled.

"What's your favorite song?"

"I don't know but I really like Elastic heart by sia" you said.

Taylor stuck the song on as you both sang it from the top of your lungs.

The song ended as you both laughed.

Suddenly she moved closer, moving a strand of hair out of your face.

You staired into her eyes. Just then you felt her soft lips touch yours.

After a minute or so she pulled away.

"Catch me if you can" she giggled running away.

You caught up to her tackling her to the ground.

You both lay back stairing up at the sky laughing.

You didn't want this moment to end.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now