She takes care of you when your sick (requested)

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You woke up all sweaty. Taylor was still asleep and you didn't want to wake her and so you sat up not able to fall back asleep cause of the pain.

You stomach was turning and you wanted to be sick. You got out of the bed and rushed to the toilet, you knelt down and was sick.

"Y/n?" Taylor groaned getting up to see what was happening.

Upon seeing you she ran straight to you side to hold your hair back. She rubbed your back soothingly.

She let your hair go once she knew you was done before you tuned to face her.

"Oh baby, your burning up" she said as she placed her hand on your forehead.

"I feel terrible Taylor"

"Wait here, I'll go find some medicine"

Taylor went into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. She found some medicine and quickly came back to your side.

"Here" she said as she handed you the cap with medicine in. You took it and placed it down next to you.

"Wanna go back to bed?" She asked as she placed a hand on your cheek.

"I don't think I can"

"That's okay, we can just chill down stairs or something" She smiled. "I can make you some soup".

You agreed before following her down stairs.

You sat down on the sofa holding your stomach. It only got worse throughout the day.

It was around 1:30pm. You was crying in pain as you held your stomach curled up on the floor.

"y/n baby, I'm booking you in for the doctors okay?". You nodded quickly.

They booked you in for 2pm.

Taylor walked over and sat down by you. She played with your hair upset that she couldn't help as much as she wanted to. She hated seeing you like this.

It was almost 2pm and so you Shakeingly got up. You groaned in pain as you made your way out to the car.

For the whole car right you held your stomach.

The doctors prescribed you with some pills and you went to pick them up. You took two in the car before you both headed home.

"Come on try get some rest now please" Taylor said.

"Okay but can you cuddle me?"

"Of course my love".

You made your way upstairs and into bed with a bottle of water on the night stand.

You shuffled closer to Taylor resting your head on her chest.

"I love you so much Taylor, thanks you"

"I love you so much too, and no problem" Taylor kissed your head softly.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now