to my friend ♡

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Years later

Jisung was rather close to his mother. But she was incapable of mending the void in his heart. After his leave of absence from school, she was pleased to hear his best friend offer to stay with him for the night. Whenever she couldn't call on her eldest son, Chenle was always there...

When the bubbly boy arrived at the home he was finally told what caused his best friend's sadness. It was Jisung's oldest brother who had been discharged early for military service.The day he departed was the day the two boys planned to see a movie they'd been counting down for months, so it was particularly crushing for Jisung. His mother admitted that they kept the departure a secret as the older wouldn't follow through on early enlistment if he waited for his dear brother's reaction.

So on their day to leave, Jisung was tight lipped and distant. The older tried to give him a hug, but he only consented to a pat on the head. "I promise we'll see that movie when I'm back." he whispered by his side. But Jisung only looked away to keep himself from an outburst.


"Jijiii!" Chen dropped his fanny pack onto the desk chair and plopped right beside his bestie causing the boy to bounce on the bed a little. Jisung was happy to see his best friend, but unfortunately his sadness didn't allow him to feel that emotion for too long.

"Chenn," he said in a solemn manner. He readjusted himself against the pillows to allow more space on the bed."Thanks for coming over...but I hope my mom didn't force you to.."

"she didn't." Chenle assured, "I was worried about you though...." Even though the TV was on, it was muted and Jisung was obviously just dazed out while staring at it.

"Why didn't you tell me he was enlisted?" Chenle tried hiding his disappointment as he asked, but Jisung didn't have an answer, as it was all a shock to him too and his forgiving eyes made Chen realize it wasn't personal.

He patted Jisung's leg like an old grandfather, "anyways, what do you want to do tonight?"

Jisung threw a blanket over his body. "I wanted to take a walk, but it started to rain." Chenle looked outside, it was drizzling but no longer raining by the time he headed over.

Outside there was a purple haze as the sun was almost done setting. The cool breeze coming in from the window was one of those sensations that stays in the head no matter how time has passed, so Chenle could still vividly remember the conversation that day.

"hmm... it's not raining any more but we can kick back and go out tomorrow?"

Jisung smiled through his teeth, he and chenle hadn't had a sleepover since middle school. Chenle felt like since they entered high school he had to work harder to understand his friend. He feared he was slipping through his hands. He didn't know what change was happening, but his brother's departure sure did make him withdraw even more.

"So what will we do tomorrow?" Jisung said, leaning into his pillow with anticipating eyes. He loved chenle's plans.

"How about we go see that movie..."

Shortly after the statement there was a howling through the window. Rather than answering, Jisung sprung up and went over to close it.

"the breeze felt nice...." Chen pouted under his breath.

"sorry," jisung responded. "I was too lazy to close it until now." He noticed a small teddy bear behind his bed. He recalled the day his brother pried it out of the claw machine it was stuck in after winning it. he leaned down and picked it up before heading back to his bed. This time he sat only on the edge and looked at the yellow bear in his hand, displeasing before fixing its red little shirt."I didn't say goodbye to him.

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