Chapter Four, Hospital

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“Quinn honey I’m going to the store real quick. I’ll buy that unicorn you’ve been talking about ok?” “DON’T LISTEN TO HIM HE’S LYING TO YOU!” “NOOOO!!!” “Quinn, I'm here, you're ok.” I open my eyes to see Peyton asleep in a chair. Wait, if Peyton is there who’s talking to me? I turn to see the last person I would have expected to see. Chris. “Mhm…water.” He fills my cup and hands it to me. I drink the water and clear my throat. “What are you doing here?” He looks at the floor sheepishly. “Well..I had to help Peyton when you passed out and then I drove us here so she could sit in the back with you. And I figured I’d stay since I’m the ride. Also it was my fault any of this happened in the first place.” “No it wasn’t if I wouldn’t have come up with the brilliant idea to go over there no of this would have happened. Oh and I’m sorry for interrupting your date.” Chris looks at me confused and then laughs. “You thought that was a date?” I nod my head with confusion. “No, she’s an old friend of mine who is married with a kid.” I blush but try to cover it up quickly. “Ah she shows emotion after all!” I blush even more realizing he saw me blush. Peyton begins to stir and wakes up. “Oh! You're awake!” She bends over to hug me while Chris doesn't lose my gaze. “How long have I been out?” Chris clears his throat awkwardly. “A little over an hour.” I go to look at my arm and then realize it’s in a sling. “Oh yeah, you broke your arm.” I laugh at myself and then I start to laugh crazily. “Uhh…is she ok?” I hear Chris ask over my laughs. Peyton stares at me like I’ve lost it…maybe I have. “I’m not sure.” Chris goes somewhere and then comes back with a nurse at his side. “Oh I see, well it’s probably the pain meds… although her monitor is beeping a little too much which means her blood pressure is shooting up. Ms. James, how do you feel?” I can’t seem to stop laughing until finally I do. “I feel fine.” Everyone stares at me like I’ve lost it now. “What?” The nurse shakes her head. “I hate to ask but Ms. James, do you have a history of mental breakdowns or anything like that?” I look from the nurse, to Payton, and then to Chris who looks worried. Peyton speaks for me. “She doesn't, but her Mother had some mental issues.” The nurse nods and Chris looks even more worried or no confused and scared is what he looks. “Ms. James…I think you're experiencing some sort of breakdown or shock.” “Don’t call me that,call me Quinn.” The nurse looks startled by my harsh tone. Peyton turns to the nurse. “She has a lot of hatred towards her Mother and people called her Ms. James.” The nurse just nods. “Alright then Quinn….can you tell me have you been through something traumatic or upsetting recently?” I think about this. “No…. in my life yes but not recently.” The nurse looks yet again startled by my calm response. “And how do you feel now?” “Fine.” The nurse nods. “Well what might you think shot your blood pressure up so high?” I think about this not really knowing what did that. Chris looks up now and goes to speak. “She was yelling in her sleep.” I suddenly realized what happened. No not in front of Chris. I sit upright. “I actually wasn’t asleep. I was startled by not knowing where I was. I have no idea what Chris is talking about.” Peyton eyes me with a look that says I’m messing up again but I don’t care I’m not going to look like a crazy person in front of Chris he has already seen enough of me. The nurse nods and checks a monitor. “Welp your all good now. If you want to fill this out you're good to go.” I nod and take the chart she walks out and I start to fill the chart. “Done.” I had it to Payton to take to the nurse station. Chris looks at me. “Well I guess you're fine huh?” He sounds snarky when he says this. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “What I mean is your back to being stubborn and cold hearted.” He avoids my gaze when he says this and then he grabs his keys. “I’m going to start the car and tell Peyton you guys can head out when you're done.” I don’t try to stop him, I just sit quietly while he walks out of the room. Peyton comes back and looks both worried and annoyed. “What is wrong with you?!” I climb out of the bed and put my clothes back on. “Lot’s of things Peyton, you of all people should get that by now. He saw me at a weak spot and that won’t happen again. Now can we go?” She shakes her head and grabs her purse. The ride home is awkward and silent until we get to the apartment and then Peyton speaks. “Thanks for the ride.” Chris just nods as he climbs out. We walk together and separate at our apartments. I step inside first and Peyton follows. “He was worried about you, ya know? He kept pacing the room and he kept blaming himself. And what do you do? You turn cold hearted and shut him out… again! Look I’m not gonna force you to let people in, but you should. I’m going to stay at my Aunts for the night I’ll see you tomorrow. I watched as she grabbed her bag and walked out the door. I knew I had upset her that wasn’t my goal but was it ever? I knew one thing was for sure I needed to let my past go, but in order to do that I had to talk to people I hadn’t talked to in a long time.

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