Chapter 04

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Seonghwa looked at the fidgety male in the passenger seat and sighed.

"Spill it. What's bothering you?"

"Huh? Oh. Wooyoung," San replied after some thought.

"What is it?"

"What if I disappoint him? What if the company says no? What if I can't make him cum again like today?"

"Then why did you act so confident?"

"He already looked so afraid. I didn't want him to feel more hopeless and he looked so teary eyed."

"You're so weak to tears..."

"What do I do, hyung?" San sighed and pursed his lips before his phone distracted him from the conversation.

"You do your best, that's what."

On the day they met up in the company, Wooyoung really wasn't expecting things to go as smoothly as it did. He had prepared for all kinds of horrible scenarios but not one of them happened since Seonghwa did most of the talking and convincing. Wooyoung just had to fill in some of the gaps but he didn't have to bring up the fact that he couldn't cum before this.

"We would like a bit more time to discuss this with Seonghwa. Could you wait for us outside?" the representor asked and Wooyoung was more than happy to leave so they could chat. His squeezed up throat finally relaxed as he sat on the bench.

"Wooyoung!" he heard a cheerful voice greet him and he looked up to find San hopping to him with a bright smile.

"San, hey."

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to be here?" San asked with a tiny sulk and Wooyoung raised his brows in confusion while standing up just to be polite.

"I don't even have your number," he said and San gasped.

"I forgot to give you my number??" San quickly took out his phone and they exchanged numbers, making Wooyoung chuckle softly when San saved his name as 'Wooyo'.

"Is that supposed to be a nickname?"

"Yes. Do you not like it? Should I have it saved as baby instead?"

"Ew. No. Keep that for the bedroom." Wooyoung saved San's number and pocketed his phone before glancing at San's outfit. The other wore a jeans jacket with a black singlet inside paired with black leather pants. "You look great."

"Hmm? Thanks. I just came back from a shoot."

"You wore this for the shoot? Isn't it all sweaty then?"

San shook his head. "It was just a normal shoot. I don't just do porn every time."

"Really..," Wooyoung mumbled softly.

"Yeah. You don't trust me?"

"No! That's not what I meant. Um...It's great!"

"So, what other plans do you have for the day?"

"Nothing, really. Just see what your company says and I guess I'll start from there," Wooyoung said as they both sat down on the bench to chat. "I was getting a bit worried that you guys have forgotten about me."

"Why would you think that? It's only been 3 days."

"3 days is a lot of days when you are waiting for something."

"That's true...Say, Wooyoung, why do you do porn?" San asked and Wooyoung batted his eyelashes several times as if he had heard San wrongly but the other stared at him expectantly for a reply and he cleared his throat nervously.

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