Chapter Two - You Know When You're Being Threatened But uh....

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Chapter Two - So You Know When You're Being Threatened so You Offer Yourself as an Employee to Avoid Being Tortued in a Musty Dusty Basement? Yeah This is It


You awoke quickly, and harshly, shooting up and out of your sleep like escaping a nightmare.

With your harsh breathing, and the sweat running down your skin, the whole world came into view, much better than it had before.

You were inside a room, decorated just as extravagantly as the hallways, with beautiful (but slightly confusing) abstract art and fancy furniture. Though in this room, there was a desk to your left, and a window to your right. The window showed that it was still nighttime, but the light had been flicked on, giving everything a yellow-ish glow. 

A failed attempt to stand up told you all you needed to know- you were tied up, and had been caught. The rope was tight on your wrists, and binded you to a chair.

In front of you sat Portia, tied to a chair with her hands behind her back as well, the same as you. To be honest, she appeared to be in horrible condition- her face was covered in bruises, and her hair was all messed up and tangled. Your heart panged. How come she didn’t teleport out of there yet?

“Portia,” you called. She stopped staring at the floor in defeat, and perked up to see you, hope flickering to her eyes for a second before they faded again.

“Ah. Y/N, you’re awake.”

“Portia, you look like shit.”

“Wow, thanks,” she deadpanned, rolling her eyes. You could tell she wasn’t mad at you, just… tired.

“No, I- what did they do to you?”

“Beat me up. What do you think?”

“You idiot!” you whisper-yelled, because you didn’t know who was around to hear you. “Why didn’t you teleport?”

“I didn’t want to leave you behind, dumbass!”

“Why didn’t you teleport me, then? I know that’s some stupid shit you would do!”

“I didn’t want to leave myself behind either!” 

This was… a tough situation, but you knew a solution. A half-solution, maybe, but it was still something. You opened your mouth to suggest it-

“No, Y/N,” she denied your request before it was even out of your mouth. “I am not teleporting myself out of here and leaving you to die.”

You shut your mouth.

Fuck. What were you guys supposed to do?

The door to the room opened with a gentle creaking sound, and you heard two sets of footsteps.

Two men came into your view- and immediately, you realized why that guy that had (very rudely) punched you was familiar. 

The first person was The Bastard, of course, it was easy to tell- an old fat man who’s demeanor practically screamed: I RUN THE BIGGEST VILLAIN ORGANIZATION, DEAL WITH IT, FOLKS!

The second man, though… with your vision clear, you could tell who he was.

There were two people all villains feared. The Bastard, and… that damn overpowered superhero with way too many powers for his own good. The Praetorian. 

Yep. That’s who was standing in front of you right now, you were pretty sure. You’d know him a mile away. That freak with the playing cards and a smug smile.

If you weren’t in the situation you were in right now, you might have thought he was attractive- to be fair, he was really kind of hot. But he had just socked you in the stomach, made you black out, and now you were trying to piece together if he was actually working with the Bastard. So no. No simping today. Tomorrow, maybe, if you were untied and somebody took Portia to a doctor. But not right now.

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