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Quirk Name: Smokescreen

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: The Smokescreen quirk grants the user the ability to generate and manipulate smoke. They can produce smoke from their body or any object they touch, controlling its density, composition, and movement. The user can utilize the smoke for various offensive and defensive purposes, making them a versatile and formidable combatant.

Quirk Abilities:

Smoke Generation: The user can generate smoke from their body or any object they come into contact with. They have the ability to control the amount of smoke produced, ranging from thin wisps to thick clouds.

Smoke Manipulation: The user has precise control over the smoke they generate. They can shape it into different forms, such as barriers, walls, or even solid constructs like weapons or tools. They can also control the movement and dispersion of the smoke, allowing for strategic offensive and defensive maneuvers.

Smoke Screen: The user can release a large quantity of smoke at once, creating a dense cloud that obstructs visibility. This smoke screen disorients opponents, making it difficult for them to see or target the user or their allies. It can be used for evasion, escape, or setting up surprise attacks.

Smoke Camouflage: By merging with the smoke they generate, the user can blend seamlessly into smoke-filled environments, effectively becoming invisible. This ability allows them to move undetected and execute stealthy maneuvers or ambushes.

Smoke Distraction: The user can manipulate the smoke to create illusions or diversionary tactics. By shaping the smoke into various forms or patterns, they can confuse and misdirect their opponents, buying themselves or their allies time to strategize or escape.


Wind and Ventilation: Strong winds or well-ventilated areas can disperse or blow away the smoke, limiting the user's control and effectiveness. The user must consider the environment when utilizing their quirk.

Environmental Dependency: The Smokescreen quirk relies on the availability of smoke sources in the surroundings. In areas with limited smoke or where smoke is not naturally present, the user may struggle to utilize their abilities to their full potential.

Sensory Limitations: While the smoke screen can hinder opponents' vision, it also affects the user's own sight. They need to rely on other senses or specialized equipment to navigate or target enemies within the smoke.

Overall, the Smokescreen quirk grants the user the power to generate and manipulate smoke, providing them with a range of offensive and defensive options. With careful control and strategic thinking, they can utilize smoke as a tool to gain an advantage in combat situations and outmaneuver their opponents.

Ultimate Move: Obsidian Inferno

Description: Obsidian Inferno is the ultimate move of the Smokescreen quirk. It combines the user's control over smoke with their ability to generate intense heat, creating a devastating and overwhelming attack. When unleashing the Obsidian Inferno, the user envelops themselves in a cloak of pitch-black smoke, infused with scorching heat.


Activation: The user concentrates their quirk, generating an immense amount of smoke that billows around them, forming a swirling vortex of darkness.

Heat Amplification: By channeling their quirk, the user superheats the smoke, transforming it into a searing mass of black flames. The temperature within the vortex reaches extreme levels, making it capable of melting steel and incinerating most objects in its path.

Offensive Assault: The user directs the Obsidian Inferno toward their target with precision and force. The black flames surge forward, surging like a tidal wave of destructive power, leaving behind a trail of devastation and scorch marks.

Area of Effect: The Obsidian Inferno engulfs a wide radius, affecting not only the primary target but also scattering intense heat and suffocating smoke throughout the surrounding area. This ability allows the user to neutralize multiple opponents or create chaos and confusion within enemy ranks.

Defensive Utility: The Obsidian Inferno also serves as a defensive technique. The intense heat and thick smoke act as a shield, creating a barrier that absorbs and disperses incoming attacks. The enemy's vision is obstructed, making it difficult for them to accurately target the user.


Energy Drain: The Obsidian Inferno requires a significant amount of the user's stamina and energy to execute. Prolonged usage or repeated activation of the ultimate move can result in exhaustion, limiting its sustainability.

Vulnerability to Water and Wind: While the Obsidian Inferno is incredibly powerful, it can be weakened or dispersed by the presence of water or strong gusts of wind. The user must be cautious of these elements to maintain the effectiveness of their ultimate move.

Environmental Considerations: The Obsidian Inferno is most potent in environments with ample sources of smoke. In areas with limited smoke or well-ventilated spaces, the user may struggle to execute the ultimate move to its full potential.

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