Chapter Two

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I open my eyes in the morning to see sunlight streaming through my window and a little nose pressed close to my face. I yawn and boop the little nose with my pointer finger. "I knew I should have locked my door last night. Whenever I don't I get little bunnies crawling into my bed and waking me up. But I guess it's okay since I always get my revenge!" I say before grabbing Claire and tickling her like crazy.

She shrieks with laughter as she tries to wiggle out of my grip. After a couple of seconds I let her go and pull myself up to a sitting position. Claire catches her breath for a minute before sitting back up. She grins at me, "It's important, Jenna! Daddy is almost finished making pancakes and if you don't hurry, he'll eat them all!"

I let out a gasp of shock mixed with horror, "How dare he!?! Why don't you go downstairs and keep an eye on him while I get ready?" She nods before scrambling off the bed and running out the door. I shut and lock the door behind her before going into the bathroom to get ready for work. I brush my teeth and wash my face before applying just a little bit of makeup. I never wore that much on workdays since I ended up covered in grease anyway.

I slip on a purple t-shirt and a pair of jeans I pulled out of my duffle bag. I always packed an overnight bag when I babysat just in case I ended up sleeping here. Tommy has joked for years that I should just move in. Sometimes it feels like I sleep here more than I sleep at my own apartment. Tommy usually refers to the guest room as my room because of this. I didn't always spend the night when I babysat late, but Tommy started getting nervous with me driving that late at night. With the other gang threatening war, he preferred for me to sleep here instead of risking going home too late.

I pull on the new clothes and check myself in the mirror. I really should have showered and washed my hair, but it could wait until tonight. I brush my hair and pull it into a ponytail before shoving my feet into my boots. I'm just about ready when there's a knock on the door. I open it to find Tommy standing there with a cup of coffee. He laughs when I immediately hold out my hands for the cup. "Who says this is for you? Maybe this is my cup."

I roll my eyes before taking it from him. Just by looking at it I knew it was for me. I liked my coffee with a ton of creamer while Tommy preferred his black. I take a sip, "When has that ever stopped me before?"

He steps to the side to let me pass before heading downstairs with me, "That's right. I forget how you're always stealing from me."

I bump my shoulder into him playfully, "I seem to remember you stealing my drinks a lot too."

We make it into the kitchen where Claire is already sitting at the table enjoying her breakfast. I grab a plate of pancakes before sitting next to her. Tommy grabs his own breakfast before sitting across from me. He hands me a little bowl for me to pour my syrup in. Tommy was always good at remembering little details about people. Like how I preferred to dip my pancakes instead of letting them get soggy with the syrup.

He drowns his pancakes with syrup before taking a bite. We eat in silence for a few minutes before he looks up at me. "Do you have work today?" he asks.

I nod as I set my coffee cup down. "We're getting to far behind because of all the pranks being pulled by the younger kids. We need today to catch up on other stuff since we're still waiting for parts for most of the bikes."

Tommy sighs, "I'm trying to get them to stop, but it's not easy. They don't realize how much damage they're causing with this kind of stupid stuff."

"It's really not that big of deal compared to how it used to be. Remember how bad it was when your Dad was in charge? I don't mind cleaning out a bunch of motors then fixing ones damaged by bullet holes."

He nods as he sips his coffee, "You're right, of course."

I laugh, "What else is new?"

Tommy picks up his and Claire's plates and brings them to the sink, "This is why I keep you around, Jenna. You always know just what to say."

"Really? I thought it was because I babysat for free." I bring my plate to the sink and start to wash the dishes. Tommy opens his mouth to protest about me helping when his phone goes off. He groans before grabbing the device and going into another room to answer the call. I finish with the dishes before taking Claire upstairs to get her cleaned up. I'm watching her brush her teeth when Tommy appears in the doorway with a guilty look on his face. He runs his hand through his hair before looking at me, "Hey Jenna..."

"What time should I be here?"

He gives me a guilty grin, "Can you be here for 6:30?"

I nod before helping Claire rinse the toothpaste out of her mouth. She wipes her little mouth with a towel before turning to her Daddy. I can see the slight tremble in her lip as she starts to catch on, but I know she's been trying to act like a brave girl for him. She looks up at him, "Is Jenna going to watch the movie with us tonight."

He kneels down and smooths her hair back, "I'm sorry princess. I know Saturdays are supposed to be our movie dates, but something came up. I shouldn't take too long though. I'll be back as fast as I can. We can hangout until Jenna comes back though."

She nods before wrapping her little arms around his neck. He stands up with her in his arms. I know how much he hated leaving her. Tommy was a great dad when he was here. It wasn't his fault that his job kept him away so much. I pat Claire on the back before kissing her cheek, "I'll be back in a little bit once I'm done with work, okay? I'll get you whatever you want for dinner."

She nods, but I know the offer of her picking dinner isn't as great as movie night with her dad. Hopefully, it will help a little bit. Maybe Tommy won't have to be gone as long this time. Tommy nods his thanks at me before I head downstairs and to the garage. I slip my helmet on before starting my bike. I sit there for a couple of minutes as I text my friend and let her know that I wouldn't make it to the bar tonight. We'd planned this a couple of weeks ago, but Claire comes first. Everyone knows that. 

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