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Thief of Space

I sat in the king size bed- or at least it was "king size" for this world....

I crouched over and heard my lover's steady breathing. His warmth was awfully reassuring that I was safe. He used to have nightmares of losing me. But now, sleeping alongside him, he finds rest.

I cover my face with my hands and blush at the thought. Slowly, I pulled my hands down and watched a blur pass by the bedroom door into Hazel's room.

Wait. What?!

I stood up and crept forward. Slowly, inch by inch, I made it into the hallway. A strange, low whispering sound giggled and echoed softly from my baby's bedroom.

Scared, I formed a magical ball of lava in my hand, ready to take down whatever creature got in my way!

I lunged into the bedroom and turned on the lights immediately. I threw my hands into a battle position and let out a battle cry.

But the room was clear of any new beings.

Only my sweet child lay in her crib. She smiled at me and outstretched her hands.

I smiled back and waved at her. "Hi," I cooed.

Sighing, I walked back into the bedroom. I rubbed my forehead in stress. Then I looked straight ahead and another sight scared me.

Faven Xiet wasn't in the bed.

Immediately I shook my head. "Stop it, Thief of Space... He's just downstairs making breakfast."

I shivered and walked over to his side of the bed. The bed covers were moved, the pillow was on the ground...

Then I saw a bronze key. The key was aligned with gold and silver. It was rather small, but I didn't expect a large one.

Curious, I picked it up. Smiling, I considered the thought of my husband simply forgetting the mail key. I tucked the key into my nightgown pocket and decided to get the mail for him shortly after breakfast.

I put on my slippers and made sure I was presentable before I headed for the kitchen. The slow creaks of wood got more obnoxious as I got to the bottom stair. Rolling my eyes, I asked, "Babe? Are you busy? We need to repair the-"

But Faven Xiet wasn't in the kitchen. He was leaning over a desk in the corner, putting papers into baskets.

I shrugged and gave up on speaking to him. I should never bother him while he's working.

But strangely enough, from the corner of my eye I saw Faven Xiet put something shiny into his desk drawer. He almost tried to hide its magnificent glow. It was as bright as the sun!

Curious, I turned around to get a good look. But he had already shoved the object into the drawer. Faven Xiet smiled warmly at me and blocked my view of his desk. He greeted me with a long kiss and whispered, "Good morning."

Then he left me to wake the baby.

I'll admit, I was suspicious. I hate the idea of suspecting your spouse to be keeping secrets... But it was too obvious something bright and worth fretting over was in his desk drawer.

I walked closer to his desk to find out what was inside the drawer.

"Babe? What are you doing?"

I didn't have to answer. He could read my mind. The only problem was that I didn't want to answer him.


I shrugged him off and went back to the kitchen. Casually, I offered him a healthy breakfast.

Holding Hazel, he nodded and walked passed me. But as he passed me, he lost his smile.

In the back of my mind, as far out of my thoughts as possible, one question rolled around:

Is he keeping secrets from me?

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