Chapter 9: Auggie gets wheels

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Auggie: Age 16

River and her mom are currently on their way here. I took my driving test today and passed. I wanted to drive down to see River, but I don't think my parents are ready for me to drive that far. My dad passed his old truck down to me, I don't know if they feel confident it would make it to her house. River had talked her mom into driving up instead this weekend so I could drive her around just like I always promised I would. One of my friends is having a party tonight in honor of my birthday, he probably just wanted an excuse to have a party. River has never been to any of the parties here, she's met some of my friends so she should be able to have a good time. Her mom and dad said it was okay for her to go out with me. They trust that I won't let anything happen to her. I promised I wouldn't leave her side for a second.

I text River to see how far away they are.

River: About an hour away

As soon as I got my licenses today, I sent a picture of it to River. She responded back, "No fair, I have to wait a couple more months, Proud of you Aug!" I get another text.

River: Can't wait to see you!

My parents are taking the family out to dinner. We're just waiting for Aunt Ashley and River to arrive. We're going to one of those hibachi grills where they cook the food right in front of you and throw eggs at your face. It's River's and I's favorite place to eat. I'm about to jump in the shower to get ready when I get another text.

River: Are your parents going to let you drive us over to the restaurant?

Auggie: Yeah, we can leave from there for the party or do you need time to get ready?

River: You know I don't care; we can just leave after. I'll get ready in the car right now.

Auggie: Hopping in the shower see ya when you get here

I finished getting ready just in time for River and Aunt Ashley to arrive. Aunt Ashley hops in the van with my mom and dad and River and I get in my truck to leave for the restaurant. We let them go ahead, when River got in, she handed me my birthday present. She got me a t-shirt that says, "caution new driver", a Captain America keychain, and some new sunglasses. She called it my new driver's kit. She also got me a gift card to Walmart with "GAS MONEY" written on it. "My mom and dad chipped in for the gas card, they figured you could use it." She answered. "Thanks River" I flashed her my best smile. I ripped the tags off the shirt she got me and pulled my current shirt off. "What are you doing Auggie?" she giggled. "I'm wearing my new shirt, what do you think? How does it look?", I question. "You know you don't need your ego fed, you could make a paper sack look good." "So you're saying I look good?" "You know you do, start driving, big head, I'm getting hangry." She rolls her eyes at me.

After we eat I feel like I need to be rolled out of the restaurant, man I'm miserable. I think Rivers feeling the same way. I'm not quite ready to go to the party. Not a lot of people will be there just yet, it's still a little early. Reading my thoughts River asks, "Who all will be at the party tonight? Anyone I've met before?" "Yeah, well you know Logan will be there. I think you met Gracie and Kyle and few of the others. Amber will be there, but you don't have to worry about her. She's on like her sixth boyfriend since me." I flash her a smile. "What about Melissa? Am I going to be forced to be in her presence tonight?", she questions. "Probably, I usually see her at all the parties, she hangs out in our group."

She nods, "Let's go get some snacks and drinks for tonight. I know that I'll get thirsty tonight and I don't want to be tempted to drink anything if I get thirsty.", she suggests. I put my turn signal on so that I can head towards Walmart I can't imagine how she's thinking about food right now, but River is always thinking ahead.

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