Chapter 10: Green hair and camping

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Auggie: Age 16

I'm so excited for this weekend. It's been a while since we all have been on a float trip. The last time we went on a float trip River, Logan and I found two hundred dollars' worth of twenty-dollar bills. We were ecstatic! We also seen boobs, lots of boobs. We hadn't been back since. Our parents weren't and I quote "ready for that talk". Our moms almost got in some fights telling the girls to cover up. My mom started throwing bologna sandwiches at them. It was kind of funny until Logan and I seen some old woman's boobs. They looked like a pair of our old tub socks. Eew!

The last time we all stayed in tents, this time our parents booked what they called glamping tents. All the parents got their own cabin or tent, then they got a cabin for the boys and a cabin for the girls. Logan, River, and I had been discussing our weekend and everything we were going to do. We all had our drivers licenses now so we could drive around. We were only thirty minutes from River's house, so her parents were letting her drive her jeep to the camp site.

Our moms were also planning on trying some new campfire cooking recipes. I always like trying the new things that our mom's tried cooking on vacation. If they were winners, my mom usually incorporated them into our meals at home and one of my favorite things to eat was over a campfire.

What was not going to be fun was spending time with Melissa. Melissa somehow found out we were going on this float trip, and not only did she get herself an invite, but she also got an invite for her friend too. I only found out she was coming when I got a text from Logan this morning to let me know that he was riding down with my family and Melissa and her friend were riding down with his parents. Apparently, it's going to be some bonding time with her aunt or something about Melissa never going on a float trip. River was going to blow a gasket. I send her a quick text.

Auggie: Have you talked to your mom today?

River: Yes she's standing right here. Why?

Auggie: Are you still in a good mood?

River: Why what do you know?

Auggie: Did she happen to tell you that Melissa is driving down with Logan's parents today to spend quality time with your family on the float trip?

I see the bubbles come up and stop come up and stop. It's kind of funny. I know she's fuming.

River: I guess I won't be seeing you all this weekend. Have fun!

Auggie: No!!! I miss you! I can't be this close and not hang out the whole time.

I see her name pop up on my screen, I hit accept, "River you can't not come. I miss you."

"I really don't want to be around her, she's always so......prickly and manipulative. I can't believe my mom didn't tell me. No wait I know exactly why she didn't tell me. She knew I wouldn't come. She's trying to make me feel bad because she's my cousin and I hardly know her. I don't need to know Melissa to know that I don't want to be her friend. Auggie what should I do? I want to see you too, but I don't want to hang out with her. Do you have any suggestions? I don't trust sleeping in the same cabin as her. She's liable to shave one or both of my eyebrows or draw something on my face. I don't trust the girl."

Maybe if River gave Melissa a chance they could get a long, but I won't say that to her. Maybe this weekend will be good for them, or it could go horribly wrong. I guess we'll find out.


River heads to the shower room with her caddy to take a shower. She gave into staying in the cabin with the girls, not before compromising when saying that if Melissa pulls anything she can go home per her dad. Her mom may have won the battle, but she was going to win the war. I know she doesn't want to stay in the cabin and she's afraid that Melissa would tell on her for not sleeping in their cabin. Melissa and her friend are here by the fire trying to hang out with Logan and I. The friend Melissa brought has had a crush on Logan for a while now. Melissa has increased her attention on me. I've had to double down on my attempts to distance myself from her. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking a fine line. I grown up with Melissa and her parents aren't as close as River or Logan's parents, but they hang out quite bit. Melissa has always tried to get my attention but there has always been this weird rivalry between her and River. River is my best friend so I'm friendly with Melissa. We hang out in the same crowds at school, and I watch out for her at school and at parties, but only because I don't want anything bad to happen to her. River would never forgive me if Melissa and I were to get together. Melissa Is not the friendliest so she only has one or two friends she hangs out with at a time and the friends don't last long. I feel bad for her. I can't imagine not having the same friends. I know a lot of the girls only hangout with her to get close to Logan and me. When they realize, nothing is going to happen, they don't stick around for long. Lost in thought I hear a scream come from the showers. I take off running towards the showers where I seen River walk into about fifteen minutes before. I hope everything is okay. I'm praying she's not hurt, or no one is hurting her. I rush into the bathroom and there is a girl standing here with green hair. I call for River looking around the room, starting to look under the shower curtains and then I look at the girl again and realize River is standing right in front of me. I'm shocked, my eyes widen. "River what happened to your hair?"

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